Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Which Tornado and how is it broken?

Gr1, hud just didn’t load the marker element for what you’re actually designating for CCRP. But it is back now so not too problematic.

On the damping front, it just tries to throw the plane into the ground.

Absolutely sick of flying this thing. Its amazing how Gaijin will acknowledge that these things (Tornado FM, Starstreaks, Red Top) are completely broken and then do precisely nothing to fix it.

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I still enjoy the Gr1 (but god I wish it was finished) but I just have no reason to ever fly the F3. In SB its Gripen C vs Su-27/F15/Mig-29 or Tornado F3 vs Su-27/F15/Mig-29. I just cant think of any reason why I will ever fly it again. Not until either a decompression or it gets AMRAAM/ASRAAM. and that is a real shame

Check out the recent MANPADS devblog if you want a real chuckle.


Both Tornados are about to become MASSIVELY more playable in SB

Tornado F3 only has to see 12 - 12.7s one rotation not in all 4 and the Tornado Gr1 never has to see them ever again. This might be the best news we have ever gotten for the Tornado


agreed. might actually take this thing out now, might be playable. ya know?

Can’t wait though.

Tornado Gr1 is going to be playable whenever I want and actually be really really effective, Its easy evading Mig-23s.

Tornado F3 100% is going to be playable. Hasnt been since it was added to the game. F3 is a very good aircraft vs 10.7s to 11.7s , just sucked fighting the 12+s. I will probably be playing the Tornado F3 more than the Gripen I think, at least for now (I think I prefer the BVR truck playstyle over the dogfighter, though part of that is inexperience)

Just need to double down on getting our radar symbology on the HUD. @Gunjob has there been anyword on the F3s Cockpit HUD symbology, even just a straight C&P from the Gripen C?

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oh huge, ive been wanting to fly this thing out in sim for quite some time

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Yep, im really excited for this change.

I just hope that we dont force a BR increase as we have experience fighting 12.3s in the Tornado F3 and now we are going to be facing mostly downtiers not uptiers

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If you’re still doing this, Rocky Canyon is a great map for it. Lots of valleys to follow and every now and again a base will spawn that let’s you do the canyon run to sneak in and out.

Yep, I do and it is. Canyon racing is rather fun. Im really excited for the new brackets though, No more evading Su-27s, Mig-29s or F-16s. Gunna make life a lot easier

Iirc we still have MiG-29As and Gs which iirc still means we’re gonna be up against 27ER. Plus F-16A, but then again superior positioning will help against them.

Not in SB, at least not 75% of the time


Got a couple more tornado reports in:
Tornado GR.1 - Should have AIM-9M
Tornado F.3 - Should be able to carry Phimat pods on wing pylons


When dev will add infrared Air-to-Air Missile with IRCCM on Tornado GR.1, Tornado F3 & Tornado ADV (ITA) ?

But 3 Tornado change BR ?

Ooooh. Very interesting, great job as always!

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Would Italy get it?

you would probably have to source it seperately for italy