Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I haven’t used much other than Skyflash or SuperTEMP

I long for the day when we finally get Meteor and can nuke some poor soul in an F-15 from the other side of the map…

Someday now…

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Using data from the R-77, we have concluded that the Meteor has a range of 5km and is a SARH seeker.


piss nevermind just stop updating war thunder at that point

can’t even get the Meteor right (hint hint: it’s a lot better than anything Russia has)

Ramjet? That will be 200m/s (0.5 mach)

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easy mistake to make, they just put the decimal point in the wrong place


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Yea, thats a rookie mistake i made :/ After all how can anything british fly faster than than the tea leaves swim in hot water

are you kidding, clearly is mach 0.0005

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that’s some very fast tea leaves

Special breed made to extract maximum flavor due to centrifugal force.

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Genetically modified?

Nah, they were found on some random feild and taken on the AJAX test ride. While doing so they found out that these leaves extract their essence while exposed to strong outside forces. And as you know, it is impossible to recreate the force AJAX create in any other thing on earth, so they decided on using centrifugal force.


So that explains the development times in the MOD

They use those tea leaves in their tea. Must distort time perception or something.

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just found this game, looks better than wt’s implementation of tornado, it aperantly even has ground radar XD


Any folk know what happened to the Tornado’s CCRP? It used to be useful, now it is basically useless in Sim.

Not a bug, move along Sarcasm

Again? Does it not work when aiming up?

Was working fine the other day, what’s it doing (or not doing)?

No indicator as to where the target is. Just a line as to where the bomb is going to go