Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

PoV you see a multipathed target and decide to shoot

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1st shot was never going to hit, target was in multipath for a 95% of the duration of flight. And only had about 1 second to correct once the target left multipath.

2nd shot was unlucky target just managed to turn inside the missile.

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The videos finally loaded for me. First one is multipathing, the fly low to avoid SARH. The second one should have splashed, but it went for the missile last second.

thought so - multipathing should be less of a problem when approaching a target from above? Had a miss on an F-15 from high alt and got splashed in return because… idk he wasn’t dead like he should’ve been

second one on the other hand is just a bit ludicrous

It is less of a problem when shooting from above, as the missile comes from a steeper angle.

Yes but when I say above I mean really steep, above 50deg.

Multipathing really shouldn’t work to the degree it is now. It should still work and happen just not this much.

Sorry to say this, but it should be MUCH WORSE. 300-500m up iirc, not 10 like right now

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something like 30-40 or would that be too shallow?

from my understanding it not being modelled means that skyflash is needlessly worse in every metric for no tangible gain…?

Watch them add a fox 3 tornado and it doesn’t have AMRAAMS but skyflash active

No. Multipathing is a thing where the target fly very close to the ground. In SRC we have ground clutter. In PD if the target is close to the ground, it causes radar to catch the waves that also return from the ground. These waves return in multiple different paths (from here comes the name) causing radar problems in getting the target exact location (that is why the lock square drifts away).

Currently in game it works on very low altitude, 10m or so, but in real life it would work on altitude of 500m if i remember correctly. If that would get implemented, up to 500m(to stick with my version) would be no radar missile zone.
And no it would not help skyflashes in any way, as they would just slam the ground.

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The fact that multipath can cause missiles to miss their target is not a problem in and of itself.
The real problem is that for some reason it disables the proximity fuse and even the contact fuse for low altitude targets.
The missile will not explode even if it passes 0.5 meters from the aircraft, and even if it hits the aircraft, it will not cause any damage other than kinetic energy.
Is this realistic?

that’s fine, but 10 metres is kinda ridiculous when you’re flying a brick with no responsiveness.

so what does the Skyflash monopulse seeker (or any others for that matter) actually do when considering multipathing

Well, it should not. Things like laser proxy would not care at all, radar proxy might or might not be affected. From what i know the proxy disable with multipathing was added to the game for gameplay purposes, so not a bug.

Well, they work just like they do in game. Most missiles in game are modelled in game as having inv monopulse, while at least from the NATO side only skyflashes and 7ms should get it, the rest uses conical scanning. Missiles with conical scanning would work much worse compared to what we have now.

what about the WARPAC side?

Well, sadly im not very knowledgeable(even tho i should), what missiles uses what type of seeker.
Edit:R27 uses inv mon, not sure about the rest.
Edit2:It seems that R23/24 also had inv mono.
Im saying this after very breif search on the internet.

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Multipath occurs up to like 100 m or more in game

Skyflash could reliably hit targets flying at 100 ft (30 m) in real life.

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Never had it happen over such a distance, good to know. Now that i think about it, maybe it did, just my scale of distance was wrong from the start.

I mixed conical with mono, didnt i? I will have to dig deeper into the topic, tomorrow.