Well yes, but not. It would be something ilke a HMD
That thing, but you are not locked to 9km (in provided on picture f16 range as a example), whole radar range
and if not then yes.
Well yes, but not. It would be something ilke a HMD
So you could pick a specific target within the radar display.
Well not, you either have a HMD mouse aimed thing, something very simmilar to what cycling switched off does now, but you see the square, or nothing
This thread isn’t the right place to ask, but there isn’t really a point asking. They recently said in a Q&A that they are happy with how the British Phantoms are performing, based on their statistics. That includes the J(UK) unfortunately.
Tornado with ASRAAM will probably be high enough a BR to fight F-22s.
Britain tax. No matter air, ground or naval, we have underperforming vehicles. If that can’t be achieved through loadout nerfs (such Aim9L on the FGR2) its achieved through BR.
Does that mean the same goes for aim-9p4 as well?
well, still some hope there
The Phantom F.3 entered service to fill a gap left by the British Phantoms when they left for the Falklands. They shouldn’t even have any bombs or rockets, and they Should have the AIM-9L.
They did not use bombs / rockets in service, but Britain did apparently make sure they were wired to do so should it have been needed.
So too add to the version confusion: what was the EF.3 was it a seperate upgrade?
Obligatory suggestion post shill
I think what he’s suggesting is similar to my above suggestion post. Not a full HMD, but giving the ability to 2 seater jets to designate radar locks via mouse similar to the MiG-29’s HMD PD to replicate the WSO/RIO actually doing their job instead of being dead weight…
EF.3 is an informal name for a modification that allowed some F.3s to be fitted with the ALARM Anti Radiation Missile. iirc this was off the back of Gulf War 2, and not every F.3 had the required modifications off the top of my head
cue Gunjob/Flame burning me alive for getting preposterously tiny detail wrong
since the dawn of the game and modern air trees.
well imo it seems to have started when they added the MiG-19 and F-100, and gave us the Javelin instead xDDD
and it seems (with the exception of the british phantoms up until the F-14/MiG-23s rocked up) to have gotten more and more obnoxious since then
This is turning into a very beneficial archive visit.
Unless I am misinterpreting, this means the GR.1 should be able to carry 4 sidewinders (2 per pylon thingy)?