I was wrong haha.
The pylons are different too. You can see that the outboard ALARM pylon is completely different to the inboard Sidewinder pylon:
Also the inboard ALARM pylon appears to be horizontal, while the inboard Sidewinder pylon you see above is angled down:
Damn could’ve sworn it was the same stub, my bad.
Thought so 😅
Thanks all
Is anyone else having problems with the super temps flying all over the place?
You mean the usual thing or something new?
It’s been a bit since I’ve flown the Tornado F.3.
They’re acting like 530Fs when chaffed.
I fired at a target 10000ft above me in PD and the missile just started veering off into nowhere with no other targets in scope. No issues maintaining the PD lock at all.
Well, the thing is Skytrashes have their own seeker, that is much worse than Foxhunter, so it might have lose its target, while radar was fine with it. Not like it was doing so all the time. Not like i lost at least 10 head on kills at around 200 alt due to my missile going at the target and then deciding it has places to be and going somewhere else. SO just Skytrash things
Did they not upgrade it as part of the SuperTEMP upgrades?
Irl or in game? Irl no, in game i also do no think so, as both normal and supertemps do weird shenanigans. The only seekers upgrade was the original aim 7e2 to skyflash. It changed conical scanning to inverted mono pulse.
The seeker was unchanged between all Skyflash versions other than the Active.
Oh, i forgot bout the active. Did anything flew it?
Underwent trials on the F.3 during it’s Stage-2 radar trials.
Hmmm, so is that a basis to have it in game? Having mini AMRAAM would be cool
I have written a suggestion with all the information gathered on it. But if the devs choose to act on it is a whole other question. Thanks to @Flame2512 we have more info on Active Skyflash then I even though would exist.
But like, how do you get those things. I look left and right but i cant find anything. Is my country the only one where in libraries there is no shelf named “Military domuments, please do not touch”?