Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I don’t have them, but I will ask a friend to check (he has 29A (ger))

Not to go off topic, but I have two images from a few friends in Ukraine of literal clean APFSDS strike holes through relikt so…

oh thats very well known, just we cant use any stuff of the current event as historical reports


300mph = 7,334kgf
500mph = 8,556kgf
700mph = 10,587kgf
800mph = 11,421kgf
900mph = 12,000kgf
950mph = 12,206kgf
980mph (max) = 12,298kgf

400mph = 11,250kgf
600mph = 13,116kgf
800mph = 12,301kgf
850mph = 11,135kgf

400mph = 11,709kgf
600mph = 13,640kgf
800mph = 14,880kgf
880mph = 15,098kgf
900mph = 14,722kgf
925mph = 14,371kgf

Tornado F.3
300mph = 7107kgf
500mph = 7413kgf
600mph = 7715kgf
700mph = 7939kgf
750mph = 8025kgf
800mph = 8064kgf
850mph = 8119kgf
900mph = 8044kgf
910mph = 8027kgf

400mph = 8762kgf
500mph = 9208kgf
600mph = 9755kgf
700mph = 10098kgf
800mph = 10188kgf
900mph = 10085kgf
907mph (max) = 10073kgf

400mph = 11,448kgf
600mph = 13,397kgf
800mph = 15,263kgf
900mph = 15,789kgf
920mph (max)= 15,858kgf

400mph = 7,606kgf
600mph = 8,839kgf
800mph = 10,005kgf
835mph (max)= 10,188kgf

So what have we found? Every single jet except the MiG-29, 23, and the F-4S (and possibly a few other exceptions) has a significant thrust drop that occurs as it approaches it’s top speed. The vast majority of these aircraft should have a thrust INCREASE around these speeds due to intake ramps and certainly should not decrease.


Well for what it’s worth the official Bundeswehr website states that the PA-200s top speed in low level flight is around/up to Mach 1.3. Sadly it’s very vague though and obviously is in German (duh)

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300mph = 7,334kgf
500mph = 8,556kgf
700mph = 10,587kgf
800mph = 11,421kgf
900mph = 12,000kgf
950mph = 12,206kgf
980mph (max) = 12,298kgf


how curios the russian aircraft dosen’t suffer a power loss


MIG air intake was probably made so it provides greater amount of air while moving faster, while western nations intakes provide less, or something in these lines, im no engineer or gaijin employee.

All intakes provide more air when moving faster. the F-14 and Tornado F.3 have intake ramps which should also compress the air significantly more above about mach 1.2, resulting in a significant thrust increase. The game does not reflect this.


Has anyone made a report or suggestion yet to allow the Tornado IDS to carry GBU-24s on the underwing pylons?

I know that. Mainly using the last line i tried to imply something

I have a internal report for that.

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500lbers too?

Yes that has also been reported.

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Awesome, now that would be a really good loadout option to have

sadly gajin isnt a fan of adding new loadout distribution options

Yeah… Still waiting on 540lbs bombs on most of the Gr7 pylons, because we all know unguided 540s are totally OP


personaly i am waiting for the ability to carry cannons and unguided rocket pods on the outer pylons of the Tiger UHT

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Yeah, now that seems silly its missing those

The F-4S has better thrust at speed than the FGR.2? That can’t be right surely. I thought the spey phantoms were meant to be quicker on the deck and the US phantoms quicker at altitude, no? @Gunjob

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Read it again. At every speed the FGR.2 has better thrust.