Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Presently that is normal.

I see, thanks for the answer.

well well well, seems like the tornados soon should get some love

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They are adding a new button to radar lock ground targets, might mean ground radars are in the making

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Nothing with that is shown in the data mine you posted?


Oh images right. Eh

Unfortunately there are plenty of other vehicles that could be for (AH-64D, Khrizantema-S, etc.)

Hope dies last

That is why we will add new ground radar to su 39, for test purpose of course.

Or the A-6. That too I think has a ground radar akin to the Su-39

The F.3 also got a new skin in this patches GJN crates (was my favourite custom skin too);


True, it looks very nice. I lkie the details on the bottom side of the elevator, belly and on the drop tanks.

I’m honestly still waiting for the black skin. Since we got a black skin for basically every British plane that had one I’m surprised gajin hasn’t added it.


Forbidden GR.4 butt



Butt but in action

Also when will we get correct reverse thrust activation/deactivation sound?

We already have it? If you’re using a sound mod like I was, it breaks it and needs to be removed.