Panavia Tornado IDS SLE - Forever Young

no the tornados own radar can guide the missile within 19km in game (irl probably like 100km) but the method you just described is called a non-slaved launch, its similar to ‘mad-dogging’ missiles without a lock from the launch aircraft.

Ah ok. It can be an interesting feature for the german tornado


if they dont give it IRIS-T, then they could at least give it the MFRL for AMRAAMs…
or just give the MFRL for 4 x Aim-9Li-1 (Aim-9M equivalents)

they wont consider that because it wasnt seen with it, only the amraams

but… the image shows the MFRL mounting sidewinders and since all sidewinders are compatible…

the way gajin modeled the tornado models they can weirdly enough lock air targets, but cant search them…
Only the MFG has a limited search radar for naval targets for the kormoran

also, this…
the three smaller images on the left…
theyre showing Aim-9s on the lower hardpoint being launched…


i am not sure the MRFL is mounted on a tornado on that one

nah, if u look at the other images, theyre all tornados, the main wing hardpoint has a diagonal missile pylon, only on tornados AFAIK, and the main hardpoints triangular shape is also characteristic of the tornado (in the three smaller images), hence im 99% sure its all a tornado.


Yep, 100% sure it is:

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well would be great



and aim120 for IDS
same place for tanks


Everywhere I looked, it seemed like the BOW-21 RWR only detects from E to J band. Or was it upgraded for a wider coverage?

The SLE uses some variant of BOW called, quite literally, Tornado Radar Warning System.

Probably best to abbreviate it as BOW TRWS.


Actually, I misspoke, it should be C-L band. I’m not sure what uses L band, but it’s there.


Was that one already used on earlier ASSTA variants of the Tornado?

It was introduced in ASSTA2, and later upgraded in 2021 which is still ongoing. That was just replacing the components with more modern ones though.

So when can we expect to see this beauty?

If EFT doesnt come with December Uptade i hope this beauty shows up, it will give proper CAS option for Germany.


Knowing Gaijin, it will be added as soon as it is irrelevant. Heck, it should have already been added.


I really hope it will get the HOSBO glide bomb

It should be added before EFT, otherwise it will be obsolete.

Every possible ordinance should be added.

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