Pakistani T-80UD upgrade program

I want to find an answer to a question and need your help. Pakistan’s T-80UD has an upgrade program, and this tank has already been submitted as a proposal. But recently I found some new images (I don’t know how to upload them), and in the photos I found the T-80UD equipped with the “Blade” ERA, which seems to be a prototype that exists only in Ukraine, and is completely different from the proposal that has already been submitted. I wonder if this is true?
PS: I didn’t find the Pakistani tab, maybe there is something wrong with my site :)



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thank you

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Can we have a look at the images? Will be nice if we can get that as part of Pakistani line.

I really want to help but this is the only good image of a T-80UD under Pakistani flag.



But I couldn’t find nothing mentioning a modification of the T-80UD with a ERA named Blade.

I guess he means Nizh(literally Blade, and Chinese use literal translation rather than transliteration for these weapons’ names)…?

Thank you, but not this. I tried to send the picture out

Yes, that’s what I meant

I don’t really know how to send an image, what does “” mean? What should I do?

Failed to send :(


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It worked,wow

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bottom right there is a upload button
Or u can just copy and paste

At least copying and pasting doesn’t work for me

I have successfully sent you a picture on my page, can you see it?

Yeah, nice, could be interesting addition.

These vehicles are not the same as the T-84(M) that we know, so I think (and the sources I know) are what Pakistan’s upgrade program should look like. But Ukraine is no longer able to produce their ERA, which is why the actual T-80UD (upgrade) is what has already been seen in the submitted proposals.


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Very cool looking modification. If at some point China features more Pakistani vehicles, I hope this one be part of the tech tree. Do you know exactly what’s this vehicle’s designation?

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