Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

Rare photographs (the only two) of PAF RB-57F (militarised for carrying bombs)



This seems like a rendering or painting

Yeah this is a drawing but PAF did operate a few F-5s out of sargodha OR peshawar.
Apparently the existence was kept secret because pakistan got them from…
Non purchasing methods from an arab nation.


Lmao look at how they lie

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What jet is this supposed to be?

Are you sure that it was Northrop F-5 not Shenyang F-5? The camo seems same as the Iranian F-5 camo.

its their own mig-21 but they displayed it after saying they shot down one of our F-16s 🤣

im sure, the iranians/arabs gve us a few F-5s during the 65? war and we used them but in secret

Pakistan is also trying to purchase the JL-10 LIFT jet so it will be a natural successor to the Yak-130 in the Tech Tree once bought.

its already been tested in ISB? i think

i would like to know a balanced BR for this where it can perform well

i think around Rank III or IV will be good

damn that is…

what the hell were they hiding in there

(karachi airport)


okay apparently its for an airship


Its hard to say till we see the actual armed variant. Its future is quite uncertain due to the recent political changes.
I could be wrong though. Since the armed variant was already in development, we could see it in the future. Many necessary machinery that are required for mass aircraft production were already procured, so who knows maybe this program still has some hope.

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This must be made by the brits during WW2. The brits also made similar airstrips in Bangladesh.

yeah apparently we also can get P-47s and 51s? this way because they were part of the RIAF

B-57 showing its armament

pictures of others


Pakistani F-6 firing Aim-9P




This was RAF’s No. 135 Squadron. I think RIAF didnt have any P-51. During the Burma campaign there was one american B25 bomber squadron operated from some of these air fields.

it was some other prop, ill find it again lol

A Polish Eagle in the Pakistani Sky…

Air Commodore Władysław Turowicz

Polish World War II fighter pilot became a national hero in Pakistan, Pakistan’s Polish Patriot Air Commodore Władysław Turowicz

Air Commodore Władysław Józef Marian Turowicz (23 April 1908 – 8 January 1980), usually referred to as W. J. M. Turowicz, was a Polish-Pakistani aviator, military scientist and aeronautical engineer.

Turowicz was the administrator of Pakistan’s Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) from 1967 to 1970. He was one of forty five Polish officers and airmen who joined RPAF on contract in the early fifties. After completion of his initial contract, Turowicz opted to stay on in Pakistan and continued to serve in PAF and later, SUPARCO.
Turowicz made significant contributions to Pakistan’s missile/rocket program as a chief aeronautical engineer. In Pakistan, he remains highly respected as a scientist and noted aeronautical engineer.

Turowicz was born to an aristocratic family in the village of Wadziejewsko in Siberia (Russia) in 1908, where he graduated from high school. The Polish name of the village may suggest it was inhabited by Poles who were exiled or imprisoned by the Tsar, as it was unusual for Polish aristocrats to live in Siberia for non-political reasons. From an early age on, Turowicz was fascinated by aviation technology and had collected different models of aircraft. Due to this passion, he moved to Warsaw where he attended the most prestigious engineering institute, the Warsaw University of Technology(WTU) in 1930, majoring in aeronautical engineering; upon graduation, he received his PhD with honours in 1936. While at Warsaw University of Technology, Turowicz joined and became a pioneering member of a Aeroklub Polski (better known as Polish Aero Club) where he had previliged to study and work with noted Polish engineers to the field of aerospace engineering. A distinguished member of Polski Club, he had an opportunity to study and work with Ryszard Bartel, Jerzy Drzewiecki, Henry Millicer, to name a few. It was here at the Aero Club that Turowicz met his future wife, Zofia Turowicz with whom he would have 4 children. In addition, he completed an MSc in astrodynamics in 1937 from the same institution. He joined the Polish Air Force as an aeronautical engineer and fighter pilot, but later emigrated to United Kingdom where he joined the Royal Air Force in 1939 as a reservist Polish pilot.

Though initially joining the Polish Air Force, Turowicz enlisted as a Royal Air Force reservist during World War II. He was immediately sent to Great Britain where he flew the British-built Handley Page Halifax during the war. Later, he was transferred into the Royal Air Force Aeronautics division where he served as Technical Inspector, and was put in charge of aircraft electrical and system information, organising, testing, and evaluating aircraft. After World War II, Turowicz did not return to Communist Poland due to the official negative attitude towards those who had served with the Allied Forces during the war.

As the political situation in Poland got worse, many Polish Air Force officers began to move to United States, Australia, Norway and Canada. Turowicz and 45 of his colleagues opted to move to Pakistan in 1948 on a three-year contract.

Turowicz set up technical institutes in Karachi. He taught and revitalised Pakistan Air Force Academy, where he worked as a chief scientist. He initially led the technical training in the airbase and a part of the Polish specialists in the technical section in Karachi.

In 1952, Turowicz was promoted to the rank of wing commander. In 1959, Turowicz was promoted in the rank of group captain. In 1960, he became an air commodore and an assistant chief of air staff, in charge of PAF’s Maintenance Branch.
In 1966, the Government of Pakistan transferred him to SUPARCO, Pakistan’s national space agency, where he worked there as a chief scientist and an aeronautical engineer. He, along with noted Pakistani theoretical physicist, Dr. Abdus Salam, who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979, met with President Khan where he successfully convinced him of the importance of a space program for a developing country like Pakistan after Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik.
He along with Dr. Salam travelled through to the United States to reach a space-co-operation agreement. He successfully convinced the United States Government to invest and train Pakistan’s scientists in the field of rocket technology.

Turowicz was appointed head of SUPARCO in 1967 by the Government of Pakistan. As the administrator, he revitalised and initiated the space program as quickly as possible. As a noted aeronautical engineer, Air. Cdre. Władysław Turowicz upgraded Sonmiani Satellite Launch Centre in which he was responsible for installing Flight-Test Control Command, Launch Pad Control System and System Engineering Division.

Turowicz started a project for the fabrication and launch of a Pakistani satellite. As a result, Pakistan mastered the field of rocket technology by the end of the 1970s. He also set up the educational engineering institute at the SUPARCO.

Zofia, Turowicz’s wife, and his two daughters joined him in Karachi in 1949, where a third daughter was born. Between 1950 and 1954, Zofia taught gliding to the Shaheen Air Cadets in Karachi and Rawalpindi.

Two of his daughters married Pakistanis while the third daughter married a Bangladeshi. His widow, Zofia Turowicz, who died in 2012, was awarded the Pride of Performance and Sitara-i-Imtiaz, and taught applied mathematics and particle physics at the Karachi University. Turowicz’s son is currently working at the SUPARCO as an aerospace engineer and chief scientist. Turowicz’s grandson has completed a PHD in quantum physics from Brown University and is currently running the AI statistical modelling division at JP Morgan.

Air. Cdre. Turowicz was involved in a car accident on 8 January 1980 along with his driver. He was quickly taken to the military hospital where he was pronounced dead. He was buried in the Christian Cemetery in Karachi with full military honours. Both Polish, including the Consul-General of Poland in Karachi Mr. Kazimierz Maurer, and Pakistani military and civilian personnel attended his funeral in Karachi. The Government of Pakistan issued a condolence letter to his family, stating that Turowicz was not only an outstanding Air Force officer, but also a scientist, and had served in the country’s space program.

Sitara-e-Pakistan (1965)
Tamgha-i-Pakistan (1967)
Sitara-i-Khidmat (1967)
Sitara-e-Quaid-e-Azam (1971)
Sitara-e-Imtiaz, (Mil) (1972)
Abdus Salam Award in Aeronautical Engineering (1978)
ICTP Award in Space Physics (1979)