Pakistan & Bangladesh Tech Tree

I wonder why a new gun because the old one is also a105 iirc.

Old one is based on L7 cannon and its not as good as the newer 105mm guns. I think this tank is going to receive the VT-5’s gun. That will reduce logistical issues and operational cost.

oh old one was rifled??? thats a big upgrade ngl

VT-5 also uses rifled gun. Upgrade tender for T-69IIG had mentioned rifled bore main gun

From squadron vehicle rank 8

Squadron vehicle it’s Block I only because outfitted KLJ-7 radar, WVR PL-5E II and BVR SD-10A

For researchable tree, battle rating 13.7 and located after JH-7A. my guess.

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Bangladesh is going to produce Tanks and combat vehicles locally. Maybe we are going to assemble VT-5 and Patria AMV. Hopefully the tanks and combat
vehicles will have some unique modifications.

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VT-5 would be especially beneficial since it basically fulfills the quick and rapid defense vehicle requirements that bangladesh would be suited for

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Locally made VTOL drone of Bangladesh navy. Its possibly used for recon purpose. In game BN ships can get this drone as a modification.



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Possible first sightings of the JF-17 PFX 5th generation stealth fighter




T-85-IIAP Turret armour (upgrade?)

I think this is the JF-17.6 (Block 4)
looks similar

Or maybe its JF-20

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Both the Type 85 and T-80UD have undergone extensive upgrades by Heavy Industries Taxila, the specifications of them however are unknown other than the replacement of Chinese and Ukrainian tank guns by the domestic 125mm HIT Tank Gun and possible engine upgrades ranging from 520 to 1200 horse power.


The red paint scheme looks sick, I hope to see it in-game as a purchasable or unlockable GE skin (500?)


Isnt red technicslly the unpainted camo?
I think they give it an initial red to combat rusting.

Only thing rlly dofferent immediately is the absence of elevators on the tail of the jet.


but project azm has 2 engines

This picture is photoshopped btw

Good find…

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