It seems Type 62 apc was converted into a command/communication vehicle at some point.
Al Khalid with south korean APU. Not sure which part is the APU
i think the extended part behind the engine deck is housing the APU since that isnt on the standard production series
they also seem to have removed the exhaust guide vanes etc from behind the vehicle.
maybe directed upwards for testing?
Possibly one of, if not the only image of the Al Khalid II (prototype) (its a modified AK I chassis)
as you can see, the front turret face FY-2 ERA has been replaced by FY-4 ERA in the shape of the VT-4s turret face.
VERY interesting
This is actually Al Khalid I. Didn’t notice the FY-4 ERAs when I first saw this picture, interesting find nonetheless.
Yeah the AK II (or Super AK) is basically not made yet. This is a prototype based on an old AK I chassis
New Barq AGM.
Original Barq
seems the development has been coming along
cant be real lol
yes lol
FAARIS APC. Looks like Pakistan got the ToT of VN22
New variant of Talha APC
is that a 40mm grenade launcher and a 12.7mm HMG?
40mm grenade Launcher and 7.62mm machine gun
Type 59 with rice straw camouflage(BD). It’s the type of premium that gaijin likes to add.
Bangladeshi indigenous drones