Packet loss from Australia

Dear Gajiin developers I am experiencing plenty of instances of my shots not being counted even though I pressed the mouse button before being fired at, I have not experienced this many incidents while playing from Germany. Could this be due to Australias location being far away from the main servers? The internet here might not be as strong as it is in Germany. Perhaps data transfer to Australia and back to the servers is not as quick as it is from other places.

Anyone one else experiencing the same issues from Australia? What is then a possible remedy to this problem?

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Only way is to pick the closest possible server and uncheck auto select. Otherwise you will be put in far away servers that lag so much, even in Europe when I am connecting to the NA server it has packet loss like hell. You will have longer queue times but its not worth the fast queue for insane lag.

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Thanks perhaps this has been one of my problems choosing EU , NA and CIS servers as I usually do, I should then choose the Asian servers then. This could then lead to ingame performance improvement.

Ya this topic can be considered closed, logging on to eu or us, cis servers from Aus. is not the best thing to do. I have not experienced the click but no fire scenario on the SA server after playing about 20 games.

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That is good to hear