P-51H has to go to 7.0

No not 7.0, 6.7 would be the only way otherwise it would end up like the B-29 and would be forced to fight against jets.

Well despite numerous arguments and facts stating why the P-51H is quite frankly overpowered and undertiered at 6.3br, you’re final argument is that “German pilots haven’t suffered enough” and that the “US hasn’t had the 6+ years of suffering returned in kind”. What a good way to disregard practically all you’re arguments since its clear you never came to this in terms of balance like some of your previous post indicated, and instead trying to vindicate your hatred of German planes and pilots.

Honestly there is just so much wrong with this post at that point its not even funny. The year of the D-13 was due to the fact that there wasn’t as much counters until patch 1.33, 1.35, 1.39 and 1.41 where you had multiple counters being added to the game in terms of Bearcats, Spitfires, Yaks and La’s being added.

However what you failed to mention was at the same time, you had messed up BRs like A-5 Sabres and such being able to face WW2 jets and props which was incredibly unbalanced, even more so than the D-13.

The only time the Cl-13 was OP was when 1.69 Regia Aeronautica, which was the same patch the buffed the 50cals to insane levels (it could saw off a wing with just 3 bullets) and did a FM change to the Sabres which made them very very difficult to rip compared to previous patch. It only lasted two years.

Though once 1.85 “Supersonics” was released was practically when the Cl-13 began falling off and the next two pacthes with the T2K and the F4C really killed it from being used.

What an ignorant statement. Are you seriously trying to imply that Germany air has always had it good and never had to deal with this?

This is implying that WW2 and early post-war jets can easily reach 700+ kph, though thats ignoring the majority have medicore or below-average acceleration, and this is also ignoring the many downsides of these jets compared to the P-51H.

Can you really blame them for J-out?? Like in what world is it balanced to have a WW2 prop aircraft face against a Korean War jet like the A-5 sabre that practically outperforms it in almost every aspect. Heck at the time you also had Me 262s facing them as well, like literally this meme was born as a result of the madness.

No, it is not fair play whatsoever, it is the opposite, it’s very unbalanced. This statement is probably one of the worst takes I’ve ever heard about balance. Balance is incredibly important in War Thunder, and without balance, many vehicles would be unplayable and entire BR ranges would be ruined.

Disregarding Germany, did you even think about how there are literally other nations in the game other than Germany that suffer from the P-51H at the BR range? Seriously name me another prop in any other nation, except Britain, that even has the same performance as the P-51H?


Long BUT well said


Very well said. A6M5 Ko having to face that monster now is just ridiculous…


It was not designed to fight jets…

It was designed as a long range bomber escort fighter. The design doctrine was combating FW-190s, 109s, and 110s. All prop planes. They did encounter jets (MEs for example) but it was not their design purposes.

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You mean like the YEARS of XP-50s airspawning and being above everyone else consistently, unless their pilots can’t find two braincells to rub together and instead fly low to farm the first weak attacker they see?

Yeah, US pilots suffered so much with such a craft. I even have tears in my eyes just thinking about all that SUFFERING.

Including when the F-14A was released, oh man they suffered so much being THE best fighter in the game for a while!


It’s not even just those, like you can literally look at the BRs of some planes like the P-39N, F4u-1A, P-63A, XP-50, F8F-1, F2G, F84B, F2H, F4u-4 and 4B, F104A and C, A4E, F5C, F5E, F-16A, and the F-15A. All of these are undertiered and most of them overpower anything at their BR, but the only reason is that simply the majority of US pilots are incompetent.

Heck US is the only nation in game to have an undertiered Top Tier jet, not even Germany ground forces has ever achieved this, so it really shows how bad it is.


all of those yes except the a4e its only advantage are missiles that can barely be used and flares

The A4E is an 8.7 plane in air RB, but a 9.3-9.7 plane in GRB. I use it as cas at 9.3 and have 0 issues.

They like talking about how the yak-41m is fake but they never mention the xp-50

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its 8.7 across all rb gamemodes

a4e and some other fj4something, scimitar, all gbu & thermal planes at 10.0-10.3 are completely busted in ground rb. Untiered as hell

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The problem with the A4E is the fact that the A4B is at the same BR, yet the A4E has better flight performance, flares and much better ground ordinance. The A4B is balanced at 8.7br, so I feel like 9.0br would be fair to the A4E.

If we look at the A4E in terms of ground battles, its very undertiered considering it gets a wide variety of ordinance and gets TV-guided bombs.

Though this is practically why we need dynamic BRs, so many planes have busted ordinance but can’t be moved up too high else they are fodder in air rb

8.7 and 9.0 would be in the same match also the a4 is not meant to be a fighter, in fact in matches I only ever use it as a base bomber. And yes it can be OP in ground rb but i dont bring jets to ground rb matches

It should be at 6.7 in my opinion. Seeing the performance of the average P-51H pilot though, I don’t think it’s BR will be increasing any time soon.


wholely agree, it’s funny how even my card proves it, that the best planes are the ones i score worst with while the worst ones are the best ones i’m better with. Why? Because I play the best planes to have fun, flow with the brainrot, dogfight and die, while I play the bad planes to follow the cult of kill battle kill death ratio. My highest kill games have been with very bad planes. That’s why you don’t see me crying about mig21 smt, spitfires or 109s and calling them bad planes.

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the xp50 and j5n1 should switch BRs and still the j5n1 would still suck at 3.7.

@DaGreenBolt i agree except with the part of the f-5’s. The F-5C is fine at 10.3, it’s the slowest 10.3 and only thrives if people dare engaging it or by third partying. The F-5E was very good when it got added because it had no competence and if it had some, it could simply missile it because such competence like the mirages and drakens that would out dogfight it or outpace it, didn’t have any flares. The MiG21 SMT is superior to the f-5e in every single aspect other than brute energy retention and sits at 10.3. More flares, a properly positioned dispenser, radar missiles, a great radar that works better at low altitude than that of the f-4e, great dogfighter and insane engine power, faster. F-5E now has fallen from grace since 10.7 is constantly uptiered to 11.7 because 11.3 keeps seeing 12.0 constantly. If we have to consider that the f-5e was once 11.0 against MiG29s with two mid 20g missiles and only 20 flare pops in an awfully placed dispenser against the j7e which is faster, MUCH better armed, a much better climber AND dogfighter is crazy. But that’s becaus j7e is popular among (insert questionable thing) and thus it gets too low in BR. The F-5E is unpopular now and only the few players that use it are the good ones, while the j7e gets spammed and dies on the first phantom that manages to aim7e2 it because it didn’t bring chaff at 7km of altitude.


It was not designed to fight jets…It was designed as a long range bomber escort fighter. The design doctrine was combating FW-190s, 109s, and 110s. All prop planes. They did encounter jets (MEs for example) but it was not their design purposes.

The first me262 was spotted by bombers and p51d’s, the ongoing development of aircraft such as the sea fury, f8f, f7f, spitfire mk20+ and stuff like that was specifically designed to intercept jets and the p51h was designed along these “super props” that served as multirole purpose aircraft with an enhancement for speed and energy retention over maneuverability precisely to deal with the incomnig jets that attacked the bombers or raided the troops.

No. That’s a broad interpretation of history. The P-51 was designed as a long range fighter bomber escort. It did encounter jets, but that was not it’s design purpose. History does not support your assertion.

To add since you are making more shit up. The explicit changes in the P-51H were because the designer was curious why British fighters were so much lighter. The changes made in the H model were due to him learning more about their weight.


Sorry man, but this is a fairy tale.

Just look into the facts (who asked for what reason the Mustang was developed) and distinguish between initially developed and later optimized and used as - otherwise you qualify for this quote:


Frankly spoken: You might think about what you are writing here.

Applying reverse logic you say the American engineers were brain dead compared to every other nation and realized very late that their planes were too heavy.

Insane claim.

If you look at aircraft designed to meet actual specifications of the USAAC/USAAF (like P-36, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47) you might realize that the weight of US aircraft was a result of those requirements and not because their designers were incompetent the years before.

You might take a look at the parameters which lead to the F8F Bearcat - light weight, able to use smaller escort carriers with insane performance up to 4 km - able to intercept hordes of incoming kamikaze aircraft.

That’s the main reason why US players get clapped whilst flying them - they are not able to win a fight vs a plain 109 G-6 AS, G-14, G-10 or K-4 as soon as they try to fight above 5 km due to lack of a more capable supercharger as there was no need for high alt combat in the Pacific.

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Yes ignore the Yak-15P more, allow me to continue to feast on the tears of prop players for longer.