Opinions on the XM246?

Just wondering what everyone has to say about the XM246. I personally don’t think it’s very good considering it’s a worse Gepard at the same BR. You don’t get APDS, you have a single 640 round belt of ammunition, and you get 15 degrees of search radar coverage (in game it’s 15 but the module says 8 so that might be a bug). IIRC it did have proximity fuse ammunition IRL during testing but I’m not sure on that. If anyone else has opinions I’d like to get a general consensus on what people think about it.

Yes, it did receive this.

The XM246 in game is MASSIVELY gimped compared to what it could do IRL.
Here are the rounds that were advertised as available to it

Notice that the HEI and HEI-T comes in both Impact and Proximity impact fuse. Jane and Hunnicutt (both American Armor Authors) state that these were available for Fords XM246. So.

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Its literally a Gepard (more or less)… it has a faster turret rotation speed and more depression as well…
APDS supposedly ‘doesn’t matter’ because you can only hold 40 rounds of it… or so I’ve been told…

infinitely better that the ZSU-23-4 too at least. Does the XM246 radar actually track stuff accurately? I need to know.

If this is added, then it’ll go up in be to be the same as the M247. Its extremely powerful and wouldn’t be balanced or fair to other nations… especially those with bad SPAA at 8.7 (Russia mostly)

After playing the XM246 for a few matches the radar is kinda trash. I wasn’t able to lock an Alouette that was just over a mile away because there was a tree partially in my FOV. At close range the lead indicator has a habit of moving on top of the vehicle and not providing an accurate firing solution. In-game it just uses a copy paste gepard radar at 15 degrees of elevation, but the module says 8 degrees right now in X-ray. Not sure which is true.

I think i have the same issues with my ZSU-23-4M4 (except the missiles don’t wanna lock as well)

yeah its not very good, atleast you dont get 50 cal to dead like the M247(which it SHOULD resist 14.5mm even)

Its a worse Gepard but still a decent AA, better than nothing.
Also, if it gets proxy it goes to 9.0, where the M247 is, so no, it shouldn’t recieve it.

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also did they lift the artificial otomatic nerf yet? Some nations really have it worse than others

Idk, i dont have it

My one caveat to that is the PGZ09 gets AHEAD ammunition at 8.3. While it’s not technically proximity fuse, it’s somewhat similar. Honestly if they just made the proxy based on your rangefinder and not true proximity I could see it fitting.


Ist gut.

Yeah that thing is supposed to be 8.7, its undertiered. However, AHEAD is really bad in its current state, doing no damage but at least it gets 0 tracers.

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Did you forget that its also a better chassis
(and it looks worse than gepard)

The M48 hull has more armor than Gepard but not meaningfully so. Both hulls stop autocannon but not main guns of the tier.

M48 hull is also much more sluggish due to it’s lower top speed and lower HP/ton ratio

The XM246 does not have a better hull.

it used to be based on rangefinder, it was literally useless, now its still technically based on rangefinder, but it can be slaved to the range detector on your radar

My china main friend begs to differ. He says AHEAD is extremely capable, but make sure to use IRST track instead of radar as this improves the firing solution. Also give a little additional lead on the marker.

Not only that but the PGZ09 also has thermals, APDS, APHE rounds with 75mm pen instead of 68mm, and good mobility

what? having used both hulls, i can definitely say that the leopard hull is better, especially the neutral steering

Yes, sorry, that’s what I meant. I will edit my comment to make it clearer

Ah, I see. Regardless, it strengthens my point. The PGZ should be 8.7.

Really it would just be nice if the thing received an APDS round. No reason for it not to get one, as even with APDS it’s just a worse gepard in almost every way. Even with APDS it won’t be better, as it’s much slower so it’s much more difficult to get a solid flank on enemies.