Im trying to grind out Britain ground tree, finally made it up to 10.0, but every. single. match. Im fighting 10.7s / 11s. in 99.99% of my matches. Why? Britain is already massively handicapped, and this challenger mk2 feels like it should probably be 9.7 already. But im forced to exclusively play 11.0s. My shells rarely if ever pen (record was 5 non pens against the side armour of a tank earlier today) and when they do, they literally do no damage (crit hit someones ammo before, no kill) 9.7 vs 11.0s. Really really not a fair MM experience and it sucks.
In order to decompress late world war 2 tanks from seeing Cold War tanks, top tier got massively compressed.
Players are mean, so they see that if they play 11.0 they’ll see a lot more weaker tanks to seal club, they will happily be part of a problem. From what I see, anything 9.0-10.0 is a black hole.
This has nothing to do with the compression.
You can get a full Uptier in every battle rank.
Reason? Don’t know, got sometimes games there i am the only one with a -1 Br tank.
I have heard its due to player level/play time. For air, thats fine i can deal with that. For tanks though, i have a fraction of the experience
I remembered the answer now and it`s quite simple:
Gajin wants to sell you EXP or other stuff for faster progress.
So they need a pull factor like constantly fighting higher tier.