A new versatile attack helicopter that is coming to the “Sons of Attila” update will come to the game with two nations at once!
OH-58D, Attack Helicopter, USA and China, rank VI
- Good maneuverability!
- AIM-92 ATAS air to air missiles.
- Guided weapons to use against ground targets.
- Light payload weight.
- Flares.
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters were developed by Bell to help support AH-64A Apache attack helicopters as a command post, reconnaissance, targeting and communications helicopter. The first flight of the OH-58D took place in October 1983, and two years later, deliveries of the OH-58D started. The OH-58D was soon to be equipped with guided weapons to help engage ground and air targets, including guided missiles and machine gun turrets. Since the early 1990s, most OH-58Ds were given to US Army cavalry units as a reconnaissance and attack helicopter.
We’ve got good news for helicopter pilots! In the upcoming “Sons of Attila” major update, the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior attack helicopter will be added to the US and Chinese helicopter research tree, at rank VI. Let’s take a look at the details of this interesting helicopter!
The OH-58D is a lightweight and versatile helicopter that is capable of engaging air and ground targets. This is thanks to the advanced avionics and guided weapons, with excellent thermal optics to complement these weapons. The speed of the OH-58D is, well, rather average, despite its light-weight — however, it’s certainly easy to maneuver around whilst flying and engaging enemy targets!
Due to the OH-58D’s original intended role as being a light-weight reconnaissance attack helicopter, it cannot carry a vast amount of weaponry, than, let’s say, the Apache. Despite this, at rank VI, you’ll still have an excellent choice of a variety of weapons to fit different combat situations that you might find yourself in. The OH-58D can carry up to 4 Stingers which are useful to destroy other helicopters, as well as 12.7 mm machine guns. In addition to this — only the US version — will be able to carry 7.62 machine guns, and a LR30 30 mm cannon, however this cannon will produce a large amount of “kick” while firing! Against ground targets, you’ll be able to use traditional Hydra rockets as well as APKWS II small guided missiles, but best of all, you’ll be able to carry up to 4 powerful Hellfire II ATGMs. The OH-58D also features flares and RWS, and a special jamming station, for defense against IR guided missiles, which will help you survive longer.
The advanced, agile and very capable OH-58D will be available in the helicopter research trees of the US and China in the upcoming “Sons of Attila” major update and will be sure to pack a punch. Until then, check out the other dev blogs that we will be releasing. See you!