I want that leaked FV721
105km/h off roader with a fucking rarden lets go. Low br cancer machine to grief peoples sides.
I want that leaked FV721
105km/h off roader with a fucking rarden lets go. Low br cancer machine to grief peoples sides.
So much 60s/70s mini mightiness for the UK ignored by this game.
It is really quite unfortunate, the tree would have no business being as underrated as it is.
Its a miserable affair being in a UK tank in this game, I guess Gaijin got that bit right lol
I’ll take the fox, but I’m desperate for the Scimitar. I want iiiiiittttttt
I will laugh so much when they introduce the BVM upgrade with a godlike reverse gear. One rule for thee, another for me.
Brrrrrttttttt fox
The proportions hurt.
It was made to “demonstrate how an advanced plastic/glass fibre composite called E-Glass could provide comparable protection with steel and aluminium with a reduced infra red and acoustic signature and significantly improved corrosion resistance, especially against salt water.”
I like it, its basically a bmp 3 lol
Nickname: The Plastic tank
Knowing QinentiQ it’ll probably just denonate when it doesn’t get it’s own way lmao.
On a more serious note, as far as I’m aware its a dummy gun/turret, so probably not with in the scope of what gaijin wants to add ground vehicles wise
In pack with oes?))))
Not steel, only aluminium.
When I saw Magah in dynamic protection at 5.3, I was so scared. And when i shoot him for fun, it turned out that it was a pt-76
Not my words, stole it from Think Defence Whatever Happened to the Plastic Tank? | Think Defence
UK mainers Anthem