Oceanic servers when?

As someone who plays on a minimum of 220 ping, I feel like the game would immensely benefit from servers in Sydney or Indonesia, as it’s currently a horrible way to play. You wouldn’t need many to feel the immediate benefit of these servers

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No additional cost is a summary of Gaijin’s business plans. Jokes apart, I highly doubt Oceania servers would be cost-benefit for Gaijin, they need to fix the major issues with desync in the main servers, review those Hamster moments then step in to further servers in minor regions.


I think there used to be some. and its stupid that there isn’t any now

Hell, at this point I’d settle for fixing the server selection so that I can select both SA and NA at the same time. This has been broken for months, and there’s no fix in sight.

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Gaijin needs to bring back South asia server and they should also add separate servers for South east asia and Oceania.

the south asia server still exists, you can only be on it if you select auto though

I know it still exists, those are the servers that I get 200 ping on instead of 300
Australians have it rough if there’s no Oceanic servers, even if they’re hosted in Singapore that’s much better compared to queuing in say US or EU

I dont bother to use the SA server anymore (am in NZ) since you can’t have it and any other server selected and the wait times are too high for me to bother, and I normally get only 300 ping on NA so its fine.

I don’t really think AU servers would be great as the other tank game has them abd they see very few players, SEA server maybe but still less likely especially considering we already have SA server

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It is not broken. They said that they did it on purpose.

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We all just wish it was a bug…

first we need china server again

Honestly wouldnt change anything. Would just be a bug that doesnt get fixed.

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While it would be nice I doubt gaijin will. I am from New Zealand and honestly I’m fine with 300 ping. Just gets really annoying when it wont register your shot in time leading to death, but thats only like a 1 in 4 occurrence so its fine

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