Obroms no longer the God of Turret Ring™

Didn’t notice that they updated the damage model of Falcon, featuring a huge basket as a single part that acts as the turret ring

Time to go down to 8.0 shall we?


Their way of shitting things, or as gaijin calls it, “It’s Fixed No. X”. Not a bug btw

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No wonder why everytime it gets hit it becomes a casemate, since the entire vehicle now is a turret ring.

Would be a shame if that turret thing was a completely made up thing


I kinda like the model now as it looks more complete, last time I remember the interior is completely empty, just two crews sitting on top of two tiny boxes. Now every hits taken to the hull will result in turret ring damage, usually gets disabled in the first hit by autocannons.

The whole inside is wrong.


“Thats not a sources”: That one bug report manager


Dont you worry, thats just one of the sources i gave them.

Ah yes, this thin sheet of metal that is there so the crew doesn’t have parts of them ripped off from the turret rotating is definitely a turret traverse.

Gajin: Adds massive freakin turret ring to HSTVL that encompasses the turret basket

Players: What the hell is this?

Gajin Wanna see us do it again?


Gaijin: We modeled the turret basket!!!
Reality: Turret basket but function like a turret ring
Players: That is not turret basket!
Gaijin: wat are u going tu du about et

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As if this was the first vehicle to receive such a change LMAO

They modeled it correctly for one vehicle, the KF41. I wish they did it like how it is on the KF41 for every vehicle, but no.

KF41 is the example of how gaijin dev suddenly get a motivation and they did it but they realize its too much and become lazy

*up to 13.0

I never want to see a Falcon again until they remove its APDS lol

I don’t feel sad for falcon players at all lol, fuck that thing

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Even worse than the Puma IFV’s turret ‘ring’.

To balance this we should make it so the crew can trip over the propeller shaft like in the Stuart - your gunner control would randomly stop for 5 seconds when turning the turret.



Before it was just turret crews sitting on top of two ammo boxes and the turret ring size is about 50 times smaller.

watch " we dont believe " or " the devs dont think x could ever be what is reported in the report "