Object 640 (Black Eagle)

It’s not the average t80 copypaste that we usually get tho, the black eagle is very unique, a very interesting tank…


You’re 100% right. We already have maybe 8 T-80 models in USSR there are many interesting variants of T-72 which can be added or some IFV.

Yeah but this one from the show has T-80U hull but longer with entire new turret

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In War Thunder terms; yes it’s, the difference is using similar auto loading design to the Object 292 which presents to be a weakspot; the 2A46 (mentioned by Wikipedia) would have the same geriatric gun handling as every other T-80 in-game except by the T-80BVM and, yet possible the installation of the 152.4 mm cannon, it doesn’t proper mention any further. In general it would be a super armored T-80U, keeping the slow gun handling with similar protection of the T-80BVM and better and much faster, if in game it equips a 1500 hp engine.

I hope we get the model with the crew lowered in the hull (not sure if it reached this point).

This article is pretty identical to this one:

this is a suggestion and doesn’t seem to be plagariased


The poster of the linked thread actually just copy and pasted the whole btvt’s Blog article and translated.

i think where okay on OP russian prototypes -1

There’s never enough comrade.


Unless more information comes out about it, it’s a no from me. This vehicles history and development seems to still be relatively classified or shrouded in secrecy, and I have doubts about its claimed capabilities.

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Is it possible to you find more information regarding the vehicle? I’m not trying to be mean and throw your time researching for those informations on the mud, but, I would suggest you going to https://btvt.narod.ru/, which despite being the same https://btvt.info/ still hold some information you may not covered in the topic but only linked it.

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There are some patents about autoloader.

+1 Man i want this badly, it’s the Object 292 but modernized on top having the possabilty having the 152mm makes it spike my russian bias detector

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Just give me the '195 already.


Only as an event vehicle in my opinion.

it’s a myth

but yeah, +1? hell no im giving it all my points I could. This is the most beautiful Russian tank, made by true Siberian professionals


Why is this not in game yet? It’s pretty iconic