Object 477 Bokser/Molot/Nota

Discussion post / info dump for Object 477.

Appropriate post examples: Object 477 related information, directly related vehicles that are relevant to Object 477. etc…
Offtopic examples: German F-18C, M1 Thumper, general balance discussion, object 685. UNLESS related discussion of Obj.477

Research on these vehicles is quite hard, especially since I cant read Russian that well, or Ukrainian at all. So all input with sources is highly appreciated.

This post will get updated by me every now and then, but likely more frequently now at the beginning since I cant mentally get myself to cram everything I see here right now.

Object 477 General

Handy dandy little infographic about the variants



izdelie 477_1
izdelie 477_2




  • 1x 152mm main gun (2A73), remote controlled.
    (40 rounds belt autoloader, Boxer)
    (8+32 round improved autoloader, Molot) Reload <5 sec
    (10+24 round improved improved autoloader, Nota/Barrier) Reload <4 sec
  • 1x 12.7mm machine gun, remote controlled.
  • 2x 7.62mm coaxial machine guns (1x in later versions)
  • 1x 23mm gun (version)
  • 1x 30mm gun (version)


  • 6TD-2 engine 1200hp (all except nota)
  • 6TD-3 engine 1500hp (Nota)
  • 477A variant utilized gas turbine engine from T-80 tank
  • 63kmh speed on 6TD-2 engine
  • 12 smoke grenades, 6 launchers on both sides of turret
  • Thermals for Gunner, Agava 2 on both 477 and 477A. (Unknown if commander had access to thermals)
  • Commander could take over gunner role
  • Gun launched missiles (Unkown if 152mm were developed for this gun)

“The armor of the bow assembly of the tank hull had a modular structure, its dimensions were more than 1 m along the course of the projectile, much attention was paid to protecting the tank from above, as well as protecting the sides. The side armor had a five-barrier structure, and the crew hatches also had powerful multi-layer protection. An important aspect in ensuring the tank’s survival on the battlefield was active protection. Various options were considered - Arena, Rain, Drozd, Tent.”

Protection of turret hatches on top picture and drivers hatch on bottom picture

Below are the variants of Obj 477.

Object 477 Boxer


One of the earliest productions, with belt autoloader, 40 rounds in total.



Tank schematic showing the ammo storage


molot 477_5

Internal storage of ammunition and fuel


image011 (1)

Other photos



Object 477A Molot



Included improved autoloader, with two ammo drums on the sides of the driver with 16 shots each. They fed the main drum autoloader that fed the gun, that drum had 8 shots ready to go.

Workings of the autoloader



Schematic pictures (Polish source, claims to be made from real schematics).


Object 477A Nota/Barrier


The latest post soviet design of Obj.477 in Ukraine, radar was tested on this variant namely the ARGUSIN radar with VNII Signal system.

New autoloader with loading and firing of first shot in <4 seconds, up to 1.8 meter long shot.
2x 12 shot drums in hull with one 10x ready “rack” drum in the center.

ZAS identification system.

6TD-3 1500hp engine.





Jesus I am tired…


It’s like if you made the AGS an MBT. Do you mind if I ask (generally) how people in general know about Soviet prototypes more than NATO (and/or specifically American) ones? This is just a general history thing, like if a lot of documents from the USSR were made public during its dissolution.

Yea the Object 477 is pretty nice, especially with its armour. Hull armour >1 meter thick, side armour had 5 sections and hatches had multiple layers of armour.

The capacity to keep stuff secret went kinda down the toilet after USSR collapsed and people associated with these projects started to talk about them and people were in general able to go out and take pictures of these vehicles.

Tho I think it was in 2017 when someone got a picture of the Object 477 at the Malyshev factory.

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The driver’s seat in the tank is Object 477

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Also, as another source of info about the tank, you can check out articles by Yuri Apukhtin.
P.S. the articles are in Russian, so maybe you’ll need a translator.

Part 1: Как создавался последний советский танк «Боксёр» / «Молот» (объект 477) Часть 1. Этапы создания и компоновка
Part 2: Как создавался последний советский танк «Боксер»/«Молот» (объект 477). Часть 2 Вооружение, подвижность, защита
Part 3: Как создавался последний советский танк «Боксер»/«Молот» (объект 477) Часть 3 Сетецентричный танк

A brief biography of Yuri Apukhtin

Yuri Mikhailovich Apukhtin was born in 1948 in the city of Oboyan, Kursk region. He graduated from two institutes in Kharkov, receiving diplomas in radio electronics and political science. Later, he entered the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Technology, where in the 1980s he defended his thesis and received a PhD in technical sciences. For two decades, Apukhtin worked as a leading engineer at the A.A. Morozov Design Bureau in Kharkov. The author of many publications and books, he owns several inventions in the field of tank control systems.

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