Hello guys, I just have a question I need infos. Does somebody know why Object 279 driver hatch is so weak ? Because of that 279 can be front killed by Guepard and I wonder if it is a bug or not. 30mm looks way to ridiculous while having a huge armor degree. Thank you for the answers ♥.
Logically most structucal parts and such as hatches are thinner than other parts in the vehicle, Object 279 is no exception.
Just be glad there is a way to destroy it.
While it shouldn’t be too strong, the 30mm is likely way too weak. Maybe a result of Gaijin’s volumetric system?
the actual hatch can’t be penned straight on. you have to be above the tank to pen it.
The optics sit at 100mm of armor, which is far more than they should have.
a 2 ft hatch with 30mm of armor is .31 cubic feet of metal. Tank armor sits around 480lb per cubic foot. So thats around 140lb for the hatch. Now you can make the hatch smaller than 2ft diameter, but less than 20 inches and most people wouldn’t be able to use it.
So what do want from the hatch? Anything more than 30mm of armor and its unusable. Thats why hatches are nearly universally 30mm or less.
Object 279 has been getting lolpenned since it was 8.7, right now it’s worse than every 9.0 tank in the game. It doesn’t have Chieftain Mk10 armor or ammo, it’s just sad.
ALL of Object 279’s equivalents are 8.7.
At that br you can’t afford to take a hit from anything actually, turret is pretty strong and downtier you have things like Olifant or the Chinese ZTZ59 only at 8.3 having ammunition the likes of M111 with close to 200mm angle pen, which your entire hull is a weak spot to them at any angles, after having hundreds of matches you will automatically adjusted to playing more defensively as you find most things would pen you quite easily, the APHE also doesn’t want to fuze on most light tanks. Similar to IS-7, both have incredibly good reverse gear to get out of trouble after firing a shot, their armor profile also resistant against small bombs which explains the high global KDR.
And Ru at 9.0 doesn’t have good SPAA, unlike USA having the York to create a no fly zone, Ru only has the T-62M1 and BMP-3 to carry the team in a full downtier not counting the 279 as it is an exclusive item that you rarely get them in the team.
I can smell the copium in your reply
Although, there ain’t nothin quite like the feeling of destroying an Obj 279’s entire ammo load with your Bradley’s two toes, and it somehow still survive. . . atleast I put him out of commission for a while as he needed to restock. It wasn’t a long period of rest as he was already holding down C on fields of Normandy, but it was enough for some teammates to get closer and finish him off.
I still eat a ton of shots, so the armor is workable still, had a 9.3 game yesterday where i ended up fighting 3 tanks as my team collapsed, absorbed like 10+ shots while only my barrel and track was taken out.
But just last week i got killee by the front by a Falcon as the OP mentioned too
That thing fighting 7.7s was criminal even though i enjoyed that
Chieftain Mk10 has 2x the armor that Object 279 does while being the same BR.
Chieftain Mk10 also has a round that is significantly better.
Every 8.7 tank in War Thunder is on-par to superior to Object 279, especially T-55M.
Better than the APHE nukeshell than the Obj 279 have?
That is a oneshot machine.
The 279 have great mobilty, damned good allround protection AND firepower.
Tell me more on how fair it’s to face that in a 7.7-8.3 tank?
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The APHE shell that can’t pen half the stuff it sees [yes half], and it gets lol-penned by all HEATFS rounds and all 9.0 APFSDS rounds.
There’s a reason I fragged more 279s in my M60s than died to.
The myth that 279’s M60-like armor is anything other than average armor at best is partially what causes players to die.
Even me being cautious in my 279 as one should be, easily lol-penned by M60s cause they fire HEATFS, or APFSDS despite me fragging more M60s than dying to; cause I know how much of a threat 105mm guns are to the 279.
What the shit did i just read?
Are you ok son?
He must be trolling at this point
he’s kinda known for being the forum troll but he tries to act serious… Joking, or stupidity?
100% joking by his posts
Limited max weight so the hatch can be opened by hand by the driver.
I mean IS-7 is an exeption. So why not the 279 ? Also none has 30mm armor, 279 has 30mm on his driver hatch.