Obj 279 need balance

So, Obj 279 has a problem. A problem that IS-7 don’t “suffer” (btw I hate that word but that’s it). However IS-7 is good exept 9.3, the Object 279 is good only at 9.0 to 9.3 then it become a terrible tank with no armor and no mobility. I understand that 8.7 is a dangerous B.R. but there is not that much 279 and also it is just a stabilize IS-7 with a more punchy cannon with a comparable armor. And Yes 279 is clearly not that armored, people need to understand its weakspots, I mean I easily oneshot the Object 279 with a Leopard I and even 7.3 with HEAT can kill him easily so stop crying about the armor if you don’t know where to aim. So yeah maybe not now but I hope Gaijin will consider to rebalance the 279 by setting it at 8.7 or by a B.R. decompression. 0.7 B.R. difference to IS-7 is just ridiculous as this post. Let’s debate !


Jup, I agree. The Object 279 is just a slightly better IS-7, and should have stayed at 8.7.

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I can’t remember, is it at 9.0? Nowadays this BR range is so good not gonna lie. Object 279 should be performing just good when it was lower BR.

I know that sometimes games need the broken guy to develop a good environment but doesn’t really matter if they lower it, it would still the same — most APFSDS penetrates its armor, HEATFS always gonna penetrate, except when hitting the side structural parts.

The mobility not to mention is good, as most late WW2 Soviet heavy tanks were, and it’s stabilized as you mentioned.

Never had issues fighting against it so I agree with a further decompression of mid tier BR range. Hopefully ground would be extended to 13.7 along with air.

It’s not really unusual for heavy tanks to struggle in uptiers. IMO the biggest “problem” with the 279’s BR is that it no longer has the BMD-4 to support it and russia is lacking in fixed wing CAS options for that BR. Personally I think that the yak-38’s need a drop in BR for ground battles.

Yak 38s do need a drop in ground battles, as they are mainly just R60 slingers with the occasional S24 loadout. The Kh-23 is a mute option as you can only carry one per flight.

You can carry two Kh-23s on the Yak-38. The problem is that the delta pod means that those two missiles virtually consume three of your four hardpoints.

Yeah just realized that, but then again the KH23 loadout is still inferior to the S24 x2 and R60x2 loadout.

9.0 tank, 9.0 Br

the tank has small weak points compared to every other armored tank at its br. It has enough armor across most of the tank bounce shots. It has the best round of any tank at its BR with an autoloader that never functioned and has FAR more mobility than it should ever have had. Driving 4 tracks is a huge strain on an engine but the 279 has no difficulty accelerating as fast as many heavier MBTs.

To be frank though, its weak spots only really are notable for fending off autocannon and APHE attacks. APDS, APFSDS, and HEATFS rounds tend to punch clean through glacis plate so long as you just hit it square. It’s a strong tank but there’s no memebunker action going on with it like you might feel at some lower BRs in something like a Brummbar or KV-1E

The only weak point in the glacias is the area around the driver. If you angle the tank at all, a penning APDS round is going to kill the driver and nothing else. The shoulders are rather strong and will deflect or absorb a lot of apds or 320 pen HEAT rounds at that BR. If you are asking for a tank to be armored enough to take a 400 pen heat round at 9.0 you would need some major drawbacks. Which it doesn’t have.

The only strong part of “armor” the object 279 has is the turret cheek, everywhere else will having issues stopping most ammunition it faced in its respective br, sometimes I spent the whole day getting one-tap by everything I encounter. If I wanted to utilize turret armor then I better play chieftain mk10 where the gun depression allows me to use it, the object has barely any spots on the map to utilise its strong turret armor due to lack of gun depression. These days the more I play the Chieftain mk10 the more I realised how much better it is than the object 279, any where it can hide it’s hull it performs so much better due to having extra 60mm+ angle pen and quicker reload speed, only bad thing is it couldn’t take any bomb lol