NVIDIA Guide: How to enable frame generation when it says unsupported

I’m assuming that you already know how to enable frame generation on games that don’t natively support it. If not, there are some tutorials on how to do so.

For those who see unsupported, here’s what to do:

  • enable hardware accelerated gpu scheduling in windows settings
  1. Install the latest NVapp and drivers.

  2. Go to C:\Users(user)\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA app\NvBackend\

  3. Make a Backup of ApplicationStorage.json

  4. Open ApplicationStorage.json with any text editor, like VS Code or Notepad++. You might want to use something to add whitespace to the json when editting.

  5. Find the game you want to enable the DLSS Overrides. Best to use the search for the name displayed in the game list in the Graphics section of the Nvidia App.

  6. Locate the following lines under the Application section of the game you want to enable the override options in the app.

Most likely you won’t be able to find warthunder because the executable is under a different. Look for “aces”

Once you find it, past it, look for the nearest “Disable_FG_Override”. Set it to false, save, close and set the file to read-only in the properties of that file. Restart your computer, make sure it’s enabled and enjoy.

Credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/1ie7l1u/psa_how_to_enable_dlss_overrides_in_nvidia_app_on/

Note: I don’t have a 40 or 50 series card. I was helping out a friend who does

Edit: I would recommend you do a clean uninstall and install of the NVIDIA app (use bc uninstaller as it’ll get rid of any residual files).

Isn’t it the same as dlss override in Nvidia App?

I should’ve clarified. This is what I’m referring to. Nvidia app has a list of what apps are frame generation overrides “capable”. Warthunder is not on that list hense it being unsupported.

The following is a method to force enable frame generation.

Followed instruction

Doesn’t work (

I forgot to add. once you set it to false, you also need to set the file to read-only. I think it’s because NVIDIA checks it’s whitelist and updates the json file where “Disable_FG_Override” is set to true.

I did it too, because it changes it back to “true” after launching App.


It broke my Nvidia App )

If that doesn’t work, I would suggest you do a clean uninstall of the app ( I use bc uninstaller) and download the latest nvidia app

It’s latest.

It doesn’t like when that file is read only )

Had to reset it and restart PC.

I’ve noticed that doing a clean reinstall usually fixes it but I’m not really sure what going on in your case.