NVIDIA Drivers 572.16 and possibility to force DLSS 4

NVIDIA released today Game Ready Drivers 572.16 , along with them comes the possibility to force DLSS 4 features on games that support DLSS such as War Thunder, regardless of the DLSS version implemented in the game.

All NVIDIA RTX GPUs ( 2000/3000/4000/5000) can benefit from this so it means that DLSS Super Resolution, Ray Reconstruction and DLAA can benefit from the new Transformer AI model which brings better visual quality across the board .

For this you need to go to the NVIDIA App >> Program settings ( in this case War Thunder ) >> Driver Settings tab >> DLSS Override Mode >> Latest.

  • Incase DLSS Override Mode is not available unistall NVIDIA App and install it again , this should do the trick .

Does it work in War Thunder ? Other methods didn’t work in the past, it seems War Thunder’s Anti Cheat verifies the DLL and refuses to load versions different from 3.7.20

nvidia app does not replace anything with files, everything works at the driver level, but tests are needed. Although if you look, it seems to work


But it will have to load another different DLL in memory, so maybe later de anticheat will report something changed in memory … even if it works, it’s a danger

Unfortunately it has no effect in game for me

This method does not modify game files , it overides ( hence the name of the setting ) local/game DLL files by taking into account settings in the driver level , it is compatible with all games that offer DLSS regardless of the implemented version.

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For me it works, but it seems to cause problems with raytracing enabled. Got many crashes with RT but none with RT disabled.

Thank you! This is SO NICE.

Upscaling: Quality on DLSS 4 looks pretty much the same as Native Resolution, except with good, stable 144 capped FPS. No more blurry messes nor FPS constantly going up and down.


3060ti Only Support Super Resolution
Und Latest Preset Have Finaly Playble In Blurry World
But Drop Half Frame Rate :///

Still DX11 No AA Is Best Option

“Frame Generation” and “Ray Reconstruction” options are greyed out for me.

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Frame Gen is only available for RTX 4000 and 5000 series .

Ray Reconstruction should be available when/if you enable raytracing .

Be wary that if you use DLAA (even with transformer model) at 1080p it would be very hard to see planes in GRB and ARB

well I cant enable ray tracing since it requires 6 gb vram, my gpu is 3050ti (mobile) with 4gb vram. even though I updated my drivers to latest, dlss version is still 3.7.20

In regards to RT unfortunately that’s a hardware limitation, even if you had adequate ammounts of VRAM your GPU is not powerfull enough for RT, no software will help you with that .

In reagards to the DLSS version, 3.7.20 is the DLSS version of the game , it remains unchanced , as pointed in the OP, DLSS OveRride doesn’t change the DLSS version of the game it overrides it on a driver level ( higher hierarchy than the game ).

In other words that number is irrelevant as long as you have executed the steps correctly and you are running DLSS Override with the latest model .