We’re saying after this most recent move it should get m833
Sup dinfire, ive seen your videos on tiktok
Sup Velaton! Thanks for watching!
15 matches each. Object 292, Leopard 2, M1 KVT.
Play each of them 15 times, no respawns, and get us the kill results you have. There’s your challenge Ion.
Frankly, it should get the round without the changes. As an average player, I can say it DOES underperform, in terms of penetration. It’s a glass canon without the canon.
I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned it but the CCVL fires M833 at 10.0. While yes it’s a light tank, it still means the M1 could get M833. Similar situation with the Wolfpack firing M900, or the TCM AGS firing M833 (its only 11.0 because of the crew-less turret).
- 5s reload + incredible mobility.
Glass cannon is a term used to describe a vehicle which sacrifices much, particularly survivability, for a potent advantage in firepower.
The M1 is a vehicle that is extremely strong in the majority of categories, so using that term for the M1’s is pretty silly.
Between the Ariete (P), Challenger Mk3, T-80B, Leopard 2A4 and M1 Abrams, the M1 Abrams has:
- The best mobility.
- The (shared) best gun handling.
- The best survivability.
- Average armour.
- Average firepower.
Overestimating yourself quite a bit by calling yourself average. Aside from that you are not an authority on whether or not it underperforms, only gaijin have the data and the fact it has remained where it has for so long while highly played indicates it is balanced where it is or it would have changed. The fact that above average and good players can absolutely dominate in it also indicates that it is not underperforming.
That is all.
True, but both have those for their respective designation so that’s why I only said crew-less turret.
Wow, unsurprising that you resort to insulting my skill at the game. Which 1. you don’t know how good or not I am, and 2. I expected you to insult me, as i’ve seen how you have acted in this thread. Don’t make a fool out of yourself. Go home. Take a break. Thank you. Add the round.
Glass canon because it is a canon housed in a weakly armored vehicle. Because anything at that BR can get through it. (Not every round obviously but enough to where it’s armor is pointless.) T series take actual knowledge to aim at, but for Abrams it’s just point and click.
Wow, unsurprising that you resort to insulting my skill at the game.
You can take it as an insult if you want, but your stats are below average. Don’t claim to be “average” when you’re not and I won’t have to check.
Driving the Indian T-90 in the Brit tree along with the Challenger and everyone just aimbot your breach anyway, so no. The only advantage of T-serie is that they can withstand a breach shot more often and it won’t kill the whole crew.
Ironically I’m going positive in the chally and neg in the T-90, call it skill issue or what but xD
Challenger is pain. Britain is pain.
Our stats are pretty close in terms of victory rate. I have a 48% for RGB. Which is in the middle. Which is… wait for it… average! I’m glad we had this talk.
Lol the problem with online discussion forums is apparently if you’re not a 3KD 70% WR tournament player ur not allowed an opinion
Our stats are pretty close in terms of victory rate
Incidentally the stat that you least impact since it is a cumulative team effort.
Meanwhile if you look at other stats you perform significantly worse and well below average.
I can admit i’m not “good” but it’s a game so I don’t care. I just want to enjoy playing as a regular joe. And the addition of the M833 seems like it would help with that. I already hate playing the US, but I stick with it because I want what it’s top tier offers. I’m stuck at the 10.3 area right now, yes, it is probably a “skill issue” but the whole point of adding this round would be for players like me to have a better chance.
That’s a shame, but at the end of the day it’s a game I am trying to enjoy. And I would enjoy not seeing 11.7 with the M833. In fact, I should have more of a say than you because you SEEM to lack the knowledge of a “well below average” player. Can you accept that some people want to see something added to the game? Try and spread some positivity, does the soul wonders.