Notching fox-3 missile

is there anyway to practice notching fox-3 missiles outside of AIR RB random battles?

Custom battles

is there a specific session for this? because i dont know anyone in game to practice with

I can recommend to watch some youtube video and try it ingame thats all you can de

notching feels son inconsistent some times i successfully notch it and sometime no matter what i do missile tracks

im super bad at this, so take my tip with a grain of salt:
watch replay of your matches and look in the sensor mode.
do it almost every time, it will “waste” little time and will help you improve a lot in the process.

i usually do that.frankly i didnt learn much, as i said before it seems very inconsistent to me.

you have to really carefully look at your position and what you’re doing while following/watching the fox3 metadata.
also remember, if you notch the missile but the enemy radar is still locked on you, you will get hit, and vice-versa.