Norwegian Ground Forces Sub-tree

if you mean me, i am for more tech trees. I also agreed to norway. But i just thought that everyone should have more sub nations. I even think that denmark should be part of sweden tt. When talking about the danish 2a7 in german forums i thought that it would fit to sweden instead of germany. Again I just want every nation to have more variety (even USA and Russia should get more). But my argument was that germany does not deserve a sub nation but should rather be restructured. But feel free to believe what you want. But i agree that this discussion shouldnt be here. There should be rather comments for the addition of stuff for sweden/norway. Therefore im going to delete all my comment concerning german stuff. Good Luck with the nordic tech tree!

So +1 For me Norwegian Sub tree for sweden.


Completely understandable, I hope germany gets treated better in the future aswell.

Nah, your comments did not stand out to me.

I am more talking about those who think giving sweden more top tier tanks is somehow detrimental to germany, which is just absurd.

The only detriment to german mains are themselves.


Seems like it’s mostly that they don’t want to have less Leos than Sweden

Which is understandable but they have plenty of options, Gaijin just hasn’t added them for whatever reason
I’d like to see the leopard with APS sometime soon

If germany would get for example the netherlands, i do t know too much about their stuff but i know they have quite a bit, so mabye a independent tree would work for them too, many possibilities

But, then it would be many leopards and other Equipment, don’t think germany will have much less than others

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From what i see, their Leos is pretty much copy paste, most changes being to the radio and other electronics

But this could give Germany the CV9035NL + the upgraded CV9035NL MLU which has SPIKE and Hard-APS (Tho i hope Sweden also gets the MLU version) and i think there’s also one with a new turret shape, not sure how different it is tho

There’s also a few SPAA options to be added
Fennek armed with Stinger missiles (There is supposedly also an Anti-tank version using SPIKE but can’t find pic)

If we go down the BR a bit, we get Centurions which had some weird infrared light thingy majigy hence the box on the turret, also mentioned spare track on the back which could give additional protection

I also found this thing called YP-408 PWAT anti-tank vehicle

There’s also this thing called M39 Pantserwagen which was also used by both the dutch and germans
Armed with a 37mm bofors

Here’s a NEKAF jeep with a recoiless rifle, did see mentions of TOW missiles being added later but didn’t find pics

There’s more things but i’m not here making a list for every single thing they used so i’ll just end it here :D

This is the upgraded turret called D-series, the gun is a 50mm but can be switched out


Much interesting stuff there, time will show!

The jeep with the recoilless cannon, a tons of nations are using, but nearly all are different models/upgrades etc to the car
USA, Great britain, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and proably more hehe

…yeah i think most know my stance on this but anyhow, it’s off-topic

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Hell no for Germany…


the only place in which germany could profit from netherlands would be in the air (f16 and ah64d) but i think germany should rather recieve their own stuff, as top tier ifvs could be kf41 120mm and boxer 120 etc. I am german main myself and see adding dutch cv90 as problematic. I mean a lot of german mains say, that they dont want “their” stuff (leopards from norway, denmark and finland also to some extent the 122s), while advocating for the addition of a cv90 through a sub tree. I mean i would welcome it but i think germany should rather recieve own prototypes in the line of the leopard 2k and other additions in the light line. I dont think you are a hypocrite @TheSilverGamer but the dutch sub tree was also proposed by some other German mains. It just reminded me of these kinds of people. I actually agree with a lot of your points.

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I don’t really have an opinion if it should be implemented for Germany, just mentioned some vehicles that could be added in if it was

As I stated in previous replies here, I do have an interest in german IFVs and tanks that should be added, in terms of IFVs they are still missing the Puma with SPIKE missiles
And as for the Lynx/KF series you mentioned, they are gosh darn smexy
But i’m guessing gaijin won’t be adding that KF51 anytime soon since it’s brand new (still design phase?)
same for the Lynx 120

Ignoring new vehicle, i’d also like some possible modification to the current 2A6
It could be switched out for the 2A6 MA3 which would change the commander optics (might be better thermals, not sure) and a mine protection kit underneath which some people might like
Sometimes I take out leopards by shooting the under plate with VT-1s so might help against stuff like that + HE
And since so many german players were unhappy with the 2A7V, I’d also think it’s better for it to be switched out for the 2A7+ which would be a similiar upgrade the 122B+ has, could also just be added and foldered under it

There’s also the Skyranger 35 and 30 on a Boxer which is SPAA but obviously we’d use it as an IFV
the 30mm one can also carry 2 missiles with it, those being either stingers or mistrals (mock-up to carry 4 mistrals exists)

There’s also plans for Germany to get the Boxer CRV

If i had to absolutely pick a Sub-tree for Germany, i’d most likely pick Switzerland rather than Netherlands since their equipment is a more similiar and they cooperate a good amount when it comes to these type of things
But it’s more out of fun and interest rather than germany actually needing it

gone so far off topic with these posts so i’ll probably end it here

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I’d pretty much say that for the sake of fun in War Thunder things should be implemented fairly, but German equipment can always be added to Germany and its like that for all nations. The problem with adding anything to Sweden right now is Gaijn nerfed everything German in Germany tech tree and is giving better versions to Sweden for no reason other than favoritism. The 2a7V would be better than the strv 122 B+ if Gaijn didn’t nerf it with a misrepresentation of data.

That sounds like a Germany issue, not a “add to tech tree X” Issue.

Or in general just a dumb reason not to do anything. “The problem with doing x is because of the unrelated issue y”


Its not unrelated because they nerfed the 2a7V off a weird reasoning that the strv 122 is remotely domestically special than any other leopard 2 variant even though Sweden entirely needs Rheinmetall and its subsidiaries and KMW to upgrade them. The reasoning is not at all unrelated to the issue of Sweden at top tier. They literally entirely misrepresented the protection data in a blog post and then tried to state Sweden made a domestic composite even though there was never proof that any of that actually happening.

They still have secondary spalling enabled on German leopard 2s…-

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Again, thats an issue for germany. A seperate issue to adding stuff to Sweden.


I get you want to complain about issues for Germany, but this is only related in the sense the strv 122 is the closest vehicle to the 2A7 in terms of armor packages.


The Strv 122 being made better based on nothing is a game problem for everyone. It makes the m1 series suffer more, the rest of the leopard 2s artificially nerfed, and just makes the game cancer. Why would anyone want Sweden to be spammed with more mbts when Gaijn proves that it favors Sweden?

Its like asking Gaijn to unfun the game more than the last update did.

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So yeah, a seperate issue to adding stuff to Sweden.

People who want fun and interesting vehicles? Idk why you are blaming the Swedish tree for the issue that other trees have.

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What is fun or interesting about the proposed tree… Like is repetition fun to you?

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The unique vehicles and what the vehicles bring to Sweden, or other potential candidates like Japan. And what that means for lineups for each nation is what is fun about the tree.

There are stuff here you wont find anywhere else, so is it with many nations, no nation is directly repeating