North American Mitchell Mk.III: Billy's Bomber meets the British (iii)

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North American Mitchell Mk.III

Hello and welcome to my final suggestion for the B-25 Mitchell in RAF service! This is the 3rd of a three part series in which I have already covered the B-25B and B-25C/D in RAF service (Mitchells Mk.I and II respectively) this time I will focus on the most advanced variant of B-25 used by the RAF, the Mitchell Mk.III, otherwise known as the B-25J.



As already mentioned, the Mitchells served an incredibly important role in the second world war, being one of the most produced bombers ever, with them seeing combat on all major fronts of the war, With the RAF they mainly served over Europe, being the first Allied nation to do so, the Most common Variant was the Mitchell Mk.II, based on the B-25C and D, however later in the war, the RAF Received a more advanced variant, the B-25J, dubbed, the Mitchell Mk.III

In August 1944, the RAF was allocated 316 B-25Js, being gradually delivered over the remainder of the war, however only 240 units actually reached the UK, with the rest either Being delivered to No.111 OTU in the Bahamas, crashing on delivery or being retained by the US Following the end of Hostilities following VJ day in August 1945. The Mitchell Mk.IIIs that did reach britain however were assigned to replace 2 Groups Older Mitchell Mk.IIs, although many squadrons within 2 Group chose to retain their Mitchell Mk.IIs due to their better handling and the necessity of a Ventral turret during daylight raids over Europe.

The Mitchell Mk.III also saw service in Foreign Squadrons within the RAF, including No.342 Sqn, made up of Free French aircrews who were assigned over 20 Mitchell Mk.IIIs, and No.320 (Netherlands) Sqn. who were assigned Mitchell Mk.IIIs in February 1945 being based at ALG B.110 in Achmer until the war ended. After the war the Mitchells were kept in service with the RAF, with many still being on the records by December 1945, with many of them being Mitchell Mk.IIIs.




A Mitchell Mk.III starting its engines


Several Mitchell Mk.IIIs of No.320 Sqn. in 1946


Several Mitchell Mk.IIIs being loaded with bombs


Several Mitchell Mk.IIIs lined up



General Characteristics

Engines: 2x Wright R-2600 Double Cyclone rated at 1700 hp each for takeoff and 1500 hp at 2400 rpm.
Wingspan: 20.6 m (67.6 ft)
Length: 16.3 m (53.5 ft)
Height: 5.0 m (16.3 ft)
Wing area: 56.7 Sq m (610 Sq ft)
Fuel load: 974 US gal.


Maximum speed: 275 mph at 15,000 feet.
Cruising speed: 230 mph
Initial climb rate: 1110 feet per minute
Service ceiling: 24,000 feet
Range (3,200 lbs of bombs): 1,275 miles
Ferry range: 2,700 miles


  • Guns

    • 5/6 x fixed forward firing 12.7mm machine guns

    • 1 x flexible 12.7mm in the nose

    • 2 x 12.7mm in a dorsal turret

    • 2 x 12.7mm waist guns (1 each side)

    • 2 x 12.7mm in a tail turret

  • Bombs

  • up to 3000 lbs of bombs internally

Place in game


I feel this could come to game to provide britain with a Medium bomber after the wellingtons and to provide the UK tree with a different playstyle for its bombers, currently most British Bombers sacrifice speed and defensive armament for greater bomb load, while the Mitchell would sacrifice bombload to give pilots a better chance at surviving.

In terms of BR it would most likely sit at the Same BR as the Current B-25Js in the US and Chinese trees due to them being the same variant, whilst the UK tree already has a 4.0 bomber in the form of the Halifax B Mk.IIIa, this would provide a different playstyle, allowing pilots to choose between bombload or survivability.



North American B-25 Mitchell - Wikipedia
Mitchell with Royal Air Force
North American B-25 Mitchell / PBJ-1


+1, I want to see the lend-lease Mitchell bombers and Marauder bombers added to UK Aviation tech tree, as it needs more mid-tier T3 medium bombers!


Hmm yes very cool. I love me some mitchell bombers

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+1 the British tree can really make use of some light/medium bombers

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if it was the best one used then it’s most definitely needed.

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