NOFO and NOFOC looking for more members

Hello there.
NOFO and NOFOC hope to get more active members to join us.
NOFO - Semi competitive squad for playing Squadron Battles.
NOFOC - Casual squadron for the social part of War Thunder.

We are a mainly Scandinavian community, but have members from places like Taiwan, USA, South Africa, UK, and the Balkans.
The age of the members is everything from 15 to up in the 50s.
So a very diverse squadron where you always have someone to play WT and other games with.
We strive to be a open, non-toxic place where you can find new friends and good players to play with.

We often host events like hide and seek, custom battles, movienights or play other games together.
For NOFO there is a draw for 5000GE to a randomly picked member that has passed 1200 SQB points at the end of the season.

**You must log into our Discord channel to apply for membership, not in game! [〔NOFO〕Nordic Force ]Discord

The requirements for joining NOFO has been set to the following:
Level 70
Working mic
Be able to speak good english.
*Age 15+
1 rank 6 plane or tank (not premiums, event or squadron vehicle)
Have Discord and being as active as possible
Minimum 1000 squadron battle activitypoints at the end of the season
Experience from squad battles would be very nice, but there isn`t a requirement as long as you are active in squadron battles.

Requirements for joining Nordic Force casuals:

  • Aged over 16 years old
  • Can speak English well
  • Decent microphone
  • Active on discord and in-game