No discount on the T55AM + MiG 15 bis ish bundle

I already own the MiG 15 bis ish and i would like to get the T55AM, i could buy the T55AM for 30% off but i could get a 50% off if the MiG 15 bis ish was not included in the bundle since i already own it. am i the only one with this problem?

If you already own one of the vehicles in the bundle, you can purchase the bundle for the price of 50% off the regular price of the vehicle you do not already own.

I have the premium T-55AM but not the MiG 15 and in the GJN store, the bundle is displayed as 25€, which is 50% off the regular price (49,99€) of the MiG 15. If I look at the bundle more in-depth, I can see that the T-55AM pack is blurred and marked as “Already purchased”.

This means you should be able to buy only the T-55AM for 50% off via the bundle, if I’m not mistaken in any way.

I have the same problem in a way: I can still buy the Mig, despite owning it.

No. I see the same issue in the store. I own both, but the store still offers me the Mig as part of the bundle.

If you own both why are you trying to buy it?

Also, i think theres a difference if you brought it with GE or if you brought it previously from the store. Keep that in mind. Did you buy the mig15bis with GE?

Obviously I am not trying to buy it. But I could buy just the MIG at 50% off, because the store fails to realize that I own both. Which is likely due to the store only caring about bundles.

Yes. But crusaderKnight spoke about ownership, which is not the correct condition. That is why I told him.

Ah fair enough.

Though i think its inconsistent at best, i purchased the KV1E i think 2 or 3 years ago for GE. I also purchased this pack and the KV1E was blurred out and the price removed from the total. I purchased it 5 or 6 hours ago, so maybe it has been fixed now?

Okay, then I guess there’s something else behind this. Perhaps it makes a difference whether you bought one of the vehicles as a pack or as a GE premium? Or might there be regional differences in the policy here.

Anyway, it’s unfortunate this is the situation right now. Maybe Gaijin Support can help?