/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.config/WarThunder/.game_logs: cannot open `/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.config/WarThunder/.game_logs' (No such file or directory)
tree -a '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/War Thunder/' | grep 'game_logs'
PS /home/RokeJulianLockhart> tree -a '/home/RokeJulianLockhart/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/War Thunder/' | grep 'game_logs'
PS /home/RokeJulianLockhart> $?
As your using the Flatpak version of Steam and therefore running WT through Flatpak as well the .clog files will be different place. I’m not that familiar with Flatpak but your .clog files should be located here or somewhere similar:
Yes I did see that, If I’m correct that just searches the main “WarThunder” where all the game files are right? The “.game_logs” directory is usually under this directory:
However for Flatpak they should I believe be in the “config” directory right in the Steam Flatpak directory like I posted above:
No, @apemax. Indeed, $HOME/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/config/WarThunder/.game_logs/ contains them. Many, many thanks. I thought that that path was the same as the one I had provided. I should have looked more closely. If this Discourse instance has the solution plugin installed, I’ll accept your comment as the solution for this thread.
Right, No worries, Gaijin support probably wouldn’t be the best place to ask about this as this doesn’t really have anything to do with WT, More where Flatpak stores certain files.
Best to ask these sorts of questions either here on the forum or just submit a report on the bug reporting platform.
I’m surprised, @apemax - usually I find that most organisations consider it preferent to have Support triage the basic misunderstandings, instead allowing developers to solely triage that which is already known to be reproducible. Does Gaijin differ in this regard?
Well, Gaijin support (support.gaijin.net) mainly deal with account and purchase related issues, Anything that affects players accounts mainly.
The Gaijin bug reporting platform (community.gaijin.net) is solely used for reporting bugs in the game, We Tech Mods then look at the reports, Make sure they are valid bug reports then we forward them to the Devs.