Tbh im not sure how they would model it. Reload wise
They won’t. Just magically reappear.
No, the 2 additional missiles were technically one time only. They had to be reloaded eitehr by taking the missile out of the autoloader, or from additional source.
BMP-2 with 125mm gun. (Sprut SD testbed)
add two loaders that sit next to the driver, the upper 2 tubes are loaded manually at capture points, rearm boxes or directly from the internal rack. ofcourse, total missile count increases by only 2 but missiles ready to launch increases to 4
add to this the Bug reports for the Roland systems, and we get possibly one of the most effective SPAA after the ITO-90, Tor and Pantsir-S1
The problem is we do not have a separate reloas of the main gun, unless they wil lcoudn the secondary launchers as a different gun, VT1-2 style
Indian modernised BMP-2
That seems more like a training chassis for the turret than a functional hull.
As long as the turret works we can add it in the game
Modernization by Israel
Offered to India I think
yeah they can make the new tubes as secondary guns, thats the easiest way to do it and still pretty user friendly
This is from exhibition there India ask other countries to show how they can improve Indian BMP-2 (sarath)
India has programmable shells for 2A42 canon?
Probably as a secondary gun? Like with ATGMs on IFVs I guess?
The Försökskp m/37 “Grilljalk”
A truck that Sweden covered with unused ww1 era infantry shields and mounted a 20mm akan m/40 cannon on the back.
Remember guys - no Su-37 premium, F-2A, Su-30SM, J-11B, J-16, F/A-18E, ARM’s, AIM-9X, Meteor, ASRAAM, Indian subtree with Rafale, Su-30MKI, HAL Tejas in UK tree next update = no money for Gaijin. Spread the word!
Lulz normu vipolnil))))))