Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)

I would take p4 even with just 9m irccm
And by performance p4 is not on par with 5 gen
Its 4 gen missile for a reason

Gonna need some of these bad boys
The pz 7 lowe
vk16 leopard
Japanese OI
Russian kv 4
US flying pancake

oooh, Flying Pancake, that would be cool to see, and the OI would be cool, even if it’s existence is questionable, but hey, this is the wishlist after all


Emil 3 my beloved

The only thing missing is photos, there’s more than enough sources to prove it existed and even a remaining original track link. I have no idea why Gaijin keep pretending it doesn’t other than as excuse to avoid whatever fees FineMolds ask for when it comes to the blueprints.

But even then, Ostwind II has neither blueprints nor images available and they added that thing twice…

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Without CMs? Hell no…

Huh, fair enough
Gaijoogbles, pls add OI (and maybe Emil 3 while you’re at it)

I never asked a question and I never stated they couldn’t. I stated that they don’t have many of them left. This is based on satellite imagery found on the news/ISW but I also did state it also depends on if they start producing them again (from scratch). The question that someone had asked is why don’t they stick a T-90M turret on a T-80BVM hull and my part of the argument was they only have so many left and its more economical to use common T-72B3/T-90M components together and someone else added the autoloader’s being different part as well.

Later I stated they could modify the T-80BVM hull to make it fit if they really wanted to with the intent meaning its not very efficient to do so. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Edit: No hard feelings, just trying to make sure we’re all under the same understanding for the discussion.

You understand that the absence of mothballed tanks in warehouses does not mean that there are not enough of them in the army, right? It only means that they are used on the front lines. Not to mention that it is not known how many armored vehicles of different types were lost. < Literally no one will tell you the exact figure

There have been such projects before, they were not successful because of the price, not because of the number of turrets or hulls. And besides, the tanks are fundamentally different in terms of modernization and repair

No problem. Also just to explain 😄

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To be fair, if they’re almost out of there vehicle storage as a whole, it does show that there is at least some indication that they could be low unless they’re actively producing the vehicle from scratch again. Russia typically upgrades older hulls to new standards so its not unreasonable to come to that fact. It also depends on your news sources, I mean to is your own for that. I typically use ThinkTanks for my updates vice news.

I mostly agree with this, as I mentioned earlier its a lot more inefficient to have to go to such lengths to fit such vehicles together when there’s limited commonality. I do think the number of hulls/turrets they have left also play into some degree but we don’t have to beat that dead horse further. We pretty much agree mostly on this lol.

Always enjoy a friendly discussion 🤙

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It’s fine xD

I was saying this as a joke

I was joking, apologies if it didn’t land!

edit: about the response in general, not being married. I am actually married lmao.

T-72B3M with Arena-M (Object 184-5)


T-72B3 hull with Relikt ERA added.

I’m pretty confident its a T-90M hull, many of the sources indicate that’s what it is.

Hull of the T-90 and T-72B is exactly the same. Also, putting the old T-72 turret on the new hull would make 0 sense.

maybe looks wise but I’m pretty sure they are different production lines as the hulls are different

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M10 Booker during testing:

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my question is if its reallly needed for new variants beacsuse im not aware of any other f15I varaiants except f15IA,the f15I we have ingame is no diffirent to the ones you called “upgaraded” the r2d2 dome thing you see is just a satcom communications pod. the f15Is didnt go through extensive modifications since their porcurement. the only systems which are missing is the f15I ingames EW system. the f15I ingame uses the TEWS ,which it dosent irl. israel uses its own as a replacement (Elisra sps-2110 with inttergarated passive and active systems.basic stuff RWR,Sutter jamming,IFF etc) im not sure we should get a variant of a plane which isnt even based of real life

Tow hook placements are of T-72, not T-90M and also read somewhere, somebody identified the marginal difference between the driver hatches of the T-72B3 and T-90M.

There are minor differences, due to V-84 vs V-92, exhaust port width difference etc etc …


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