Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)

Its not gonna work well i the game we nned new mechanic for this type of long range artilery maybe with drones or smt

Spaas for every nation that needs it, is anyone has a new info about upcoming spaas ? I don’t play spaa but for balancing reasons, it should be added soon.

it’s a balace issue, T-64 and T-80b are fine, so they didn’t switch to 6.5s.

FNF? but the image says aser guided.

The object 021 (or at least that’s how people call it)


F15i can be unique when it get israeli armmament and avionics

No one seems to get my point, for the F-15I i want the modern IAF version (whether it’s a mod for the existing Ra’am or a new jet) with the upgraded avionics and tech, this will be symbolised with the infamous ECM/SATCOM dome behind the cockpit and will represent the most modern F-15 in Israeli service

I didnt saw more then 1 version of the f15i so its this plane we allready have
Gaijin just needs to add all the avionics its missing and ofc the python 4 ffs

F-15I (without modification)



F-15I (with modifications)



upgrade can also apply to Akef and Baz airframes


Ohh i see
Should be a modification like in helis cus technically its the same plane

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Yeah this is what i would like to see, just a visual model change and then the ELTA/ELISRA avionics which are better than the US ones

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Very cool i didnt know that
Lets hope gaijin will give us the python 4 as well

Gaijin pls
The lavi is 12.3 material it shouldve been added a long time ago


I want to see all the following weaponry added to F-15I in the future:
Python 4 (and 5 later)
Spice 1000/2000
Spice 250/ER
Rampage (similar to Grom)
Popeye (both AP and SAP warheads)
Lizards to replace mediocre GBUs
and finally REST to compete with the chinese glide bombs

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delilah or popeye is the one you’re thinking of there, Rampage is essentially an MLRS rocket with a GPS/INS seeker and increased range (250km with MITL)

I saw in has ir lock too

I want gajin test Python 4 on F-5T Tigris and Kfir C.10 (Blk 10) in the next major update before F-16C/D Block 40 Barak and F-15I Ra’am

But F-16C/D Block 40 Barak remove medium-range Air-to-Air Missile and AIM-9M replace with Python 4 after increase BR to 13.7 or 14.0

I suppose it might Kfir C.10 (Blk 60) first fighter aircraft test Python 5

F-16C/D Block 40 Barak and F-15I Ra’am might receive SPICE 2000 sometime this year

F-4E Kurnass 2000 equipped Popeye early variant

But Popeye on payload F-15I Ra’am better Kurnass 2000

Wdym by that?
No derby?

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Derby, I-Derby and I-Derby ER for indian air force, indian navy (Sea Harrier FRS.51 LUSH program) and another operators

Not IAF & IDF service 😌