A bit of an expansion of my previous post.
The Humber Hornet was a launch vehicle for the Australian Malkara ATGM, used by the British Army Paras. The Malkara formed the basis for both the Australian Ikara anti-submarine missile and British point defence SAM SeaCat.
Hornet packed for air-drop
The Hornet was based on the Pig armoured lorry, loosing the rear load compartment for a launcher carrying 2 ATGMs, and stowage boxes for 2 more ATGMs. The Hornet was relatively lightly armoured, at most 16mm of steel, with average mobility for the type (64 Kph on roads), powered by a 120hp RR B60 engine. It was crewed by 3 men; a driver, a radio operator, and a commander/gunner. The launcher would raise and lower as required and the sights for the missiles are placed on the cab roof.
The missile it’s self it the interesting bit. The Malkara with it’s 203mm, 26kg HESH warhead, it is the largest ground launched ATGM ever produced and put into service, it’s 1.8m long! While a little slow at only 134 m/s at Vmax (Swingfire for example has a maximum speed of 185m/s), the range is adequate for War-thunder at 3650m for the later models, though only 1800m for the earliest versions. Biggest downsides are the control system, a wire communication MCLOS system similar to early Swingfire, and limited ammunition carried with the vehicle with 2 ready to fire ATGMs with 2 stowed and requiring minor assembly before firing. With the new ammo crates that would mean a 2+2+4 ammunition arrangement which could be quite limiting.
Humber Hornet Firing a Malkara
All in all I think it would be a pretty hilarious ATGM carrier in WT, mobile enough with frankly absurd ATGMs, due to the guidance and missile speed I would suggest a BR of 7.0, these are big & slow missiles that should be fairly easy to MG down all things considered. Fun fact for you, the Malkara was one of the projects that killed the FV4005 programme.
Assorted eye candy
Hornet being air dropped
Hornet being reloaded
The missile guidance optics and crew
Humber with missiles lowered
Still waiting for this beauty, featuring new/clear thermals for the Gunner and Commander, revised turret armor and smoke grenade setup, lengthened hull, and either DM33 or DM63 APFSDS-T rounds. It would play just like the Type 16 or the Spanish VRCC.
Defintitly should be in-game as it is the ultimate iteration of the B1 Centauro that Italy uses/supplements the new B2 Centauro II. Not to mention, the closest version of it, the custom Spanish VRCC is premium and not available.
Could be 9.7-10.3 (Rank VI or Rank VII, with Rank VII being more suitable) dependent on whether it receives DM33 or DM63. This could boost the 10.0-10.3 lineup for Italy.
This looks more functional than additional ammo storage of 90M (which is never being used from that I heard)
Edit: Interesting. Pic 2 indicate 4 as “Removable compartment with additional auto-loader”, while pic 3 shows different autoloading mechanism (similar to 292 in game, with rounds stored in hull and chargers in turret)