That would be nice but still they should do at least one small new event
Well, that can’t be ever sold without the addition of ships like Burke Class DDG, Type 52D or Sovremeny, which would sit at 12.0 BR. Battleships on the other hand would have BR from 3.0 to 6.0 making them basically current late WW2 destroyers in their position in TT
Yeah we need decompression desperately and seperate naval BR’s. Or perhaps cruisers getting increased rewards for killing planes.
Something so my AA-less ship has any effectiveness and doesnt have to fight a mutsu or a scharnhorst or whatever else.
Some sorta hunt this bismarck type mode where you get like 2 BB’s a few cruisers and some destroyers per side trying to tussle it out.
it can be solved by making the br of aircraft different for naval, for example we have early BB sitting at 7.0 could make early jets like the Me262 or the F80 or meteors starting at 8.0 or even higher if you wanted
Shove a daring in there to be a complete no-fly zone for basically anything.
problem with limiting players to so many of one ship it just means people will be toxic because what they spent months grinding and are probably playing the mode for they cant even play because someone might have a faster loading time, not to mention CA, CL and DDs can barely hurt even early BBs never mind late ww1 BBs
that can also take the one death leaver problem to another level
Look what DMM is getting
( )
An earlier version of the Mk.13 torpedo, maybe for the earlier version of the TBD-1 that 's in the files
Why would they be so high ? They’re small, not very survivable at WTNF ranges.
Something with sand. :)
Remake of Patton ? lol
German M48s with Casa 2.111 lol
Return of Gaijilla would be cool
ah, Dunagan.
don’t forget a Gripen with Brimstones!
So at least now we know that this event will be big lol
oh my god fox 3 is here /s
New Fox-3 test? Maybe.
that would be hilarious if they had fox 3 in a Ace combat-inspired game mode
this years april fools is gonna be fucking FIRE
- EW
- extraction mode
- Fox 3 reimagined