Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

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Well, we will get MiG-25 for sure, most likely event or squadron (my money on event). Wonder which exact variant/modification

Yeah, ARMs would be fun and yeah, DL on the PW4 would be fun to use too

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The SEPv3 isn’t real it won’t come this update.


Definetly a marketing lie


RAF (Hawk T1A & Hawk 200), RAAF (Hawk 127), FiAF (Hawk 51), RMAF (Hawk 208), IDAF (Hawk 209) and SAAF (Hawk 120)

Gajin might limited WVR Air-to-Air missile AIM-9L only

Battle rating for ground (AB, RB & SB) higher air (AB, RB & SB)

AV-8B day attack, Harrier GR.1A, Sea Harrier FRS.51 and new RAF harrier for researchable & premium tree in the rank VIII

Tranche 1 standard (without targeting pod and zero Air-to-Ground armaments) and Tranche 3 standard

New Tornado F3 with AIM-132 (Blk 1) and AIM-120C-5, and place after Tornado F3 late

Was more. Fix the FM and IR signature issues on the harrier.

Add CBUs and a radar to the tornados IDSs (plus a few other little bits and bobs like missing CCRP related symbology) and Phimat to the F3 (I also still want Hindenburg on all)

Add CAPTOR-M to the Typhoon

I never saw US Army AH-64D & AH-64E mounted AGM-114R-4

Israel AH-64AI launch Spike NLOS

Decompression BR to 12.3 (ground AB, RB & SB) before add AGM-114L on AH-64D

I suppose gajin probably add AH-64E early (pre integrate AGM-179 JAGM) before late production for USA tech tree

Yeah, people seem to either underestimate the impact that certain CBUs would have or straight up ignore that, because they expect everyone to always have a decent gaming rig

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Well, don’t get your hopes up for ARMs, as Gaijin doesn’t consider them as required or even as a priority for the games development.

I don’t know why people are clamoring for ARMs anyways, CAS already is dominant at all ranks in GRB and as a weapon to have in just air battles or a SEAD mode they wouldn’t offer any more depth than most air to ground missiles we already have.

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I even found a neat preview for how people’s computers would handle cluster munitions.


The servers likely aren’t gonna enjoy those either

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Datalink pod for GBU-15, AGM-62 and AGM-130

4th gen fighter aircraft 2010’s era and 4.5 gen fighter aircraft equipped advanced countermeasures

F-16C Block 50 2014 ~ 2015 and Typhoon FGR.4 fitted towed decoys ?

AIM-120C AMRAAM series (before AIM-120C-7)

Ah, now no cluster bombs

Tranche 1 outfitted CAPTOR-M radar like Tranche 2 ?

We’ve already got them in game, just not modeled. Things like BOL. Its brutal the fake nerfs they’ve applied to BOL

No Idea about F-16. But Tornado F3 and Typhoon F2/FGR4 would have TRD.

Yeah, even the DAs would have ECR-90 which is basically CAPTOR-M.

But in game at the moment we have a buggy version of Blue Vixen with a few tweaked numbers

I get it. I want CBU’s as much as the next guy. But I’m not into the idea we should add them so the UK can get some approximate to napalm just to get there. The devs have been really good lately, imo, in developing Air combat, and I think they need the time to consider the impacts on the game and the players of adding CBU’s.

Not sh*tting on Morv, but not everyone is playing Air Sim and wants a better napalm.


I dont want a better Napalm. I just think CBUs could be a napalm equivalent.

its frustrating seeing Mig-23MLs and F-4S running 2 Napalm bombs for a base kill and I have haul 5-6 1000lb bombs to do the same on equivalent airframes.

Heck, Napalm is still missing from the Buc S2 and Sea Vixen which was reported 3 years ago.

Tuned right, CBUs could give us a Napalm-ish equivalent for aircraft that didnt* equip Napalm.

I just dont think that CBUs would be anymore effective than a 2000lb bomb, especially given the min release alt (and possibly speed) of CBUs would result in aircraft using them being extremely vulnerable to SPAA, way more so than a 2000lb bomb which you can drop at 50ft with a long delay.

I mean the servers barely handle anything larger than the number 20.

Maybe though some of the money from the premium F/A-18 sales can go towards funding some better servers instead of relying on a 2016 Chromebook with a ruined battery and no space bar which this game’s servers seem to be running on.

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I could not have been more obviously talking about the KAI T-50