Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

That would be cool, maybe some wire guided torpedos too. I’m also hoping for some kind of Cas/Cap change becuase RN they are impossible to play

Buddy lase so more jets can get GBU’s (many jets can carry them, but not guide themselves)

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When bigger maps for Air and ground ? BVR on short maps is Hilarios boring like flying 30 sec and die from the Clusterspam makes no sense
And what about ground maps ? Fighting against other tanks by a Range in a box from 150-350m is disrespectful tbh armor would work better by bigger maps I mean we have laserrangefinder for what ? Ah yeah to laser my teammates they using laserwarningsystem ofc… what about gamemodes for Realistic ? I love the game but I also I hate it cause it’s start to getting boring playing every single day the same modes… that’s everything want I want Bigger maps and other gamesmodes for Realisticbattles


Yes I would have a F-117 in space in sim lazing the repair area when my team of 3 F15s use gbu 39s just to nuke it time and time again. :)

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Maybe it’ll be strategic bomber thing with 2 maps, USSR attacking USA and USA attacking USSR.

MiG-25, MiG-21, MiG-23 vs B-58, B-52, and B-47
F-102, F-101 and F-106 vs Tu-95, and the other cold war Tupolev bombers

Could also be used to test datalink and ground radar information networks (like AWACS but on ground)

Maybe even give AIR-2 and AIM-26A for high SP :)

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I was thinking you do a big map with safe areas that are in your air zone that you can refuel in the sir and the bombers can regroup

Idk, I feel like a quick nuclear strike would be more fun than just aerial refueling and cruising for a while

Both side would spawn kinda far from their targets (assuming bombers on each side have been refueled). The interceptors spawn ready on airbases, but bombers already in air (but farther away)

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3rd map should be UK attacking US with Vulcans

Like a dozen AIR-2 vs Vulcan formation

Also a Constantly Map Pick for hightier only Simbattles maps would be dope

Hey why is it getting brighter…… ahhhhhhh
(they all start to melt)

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My hopes:
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Hawk
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Anti Air
  • Gnat
  • More Anti Air

Anything for ground (and no, more CAS doesn’t qualify as ground) that isn’t just copy paste and is somewhat interesting is all I hope for in the next major.

My hopes and expectations have massively dropped over the last year and especially with the last update.

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AH-56 and RAH-66 when (they are US Army)

I mean, they usually do the April Fools events to test stuff nowadays, so it’s not a complete waste. The modes usually recycle a lot of assets anyways. Stuff like the Atomic Heart, Mobile Infantry and even Mad Thunder were probably rather simple jobs apart from the new mechanics that were tested (recon drones in Mobile Infantry, more advanced tire physics in Mad Thunder).

What I will say though is that I would like to see them re-run these events or do something else with the assets created and/or modified for the events.

I don’t mind more boring update filler like that as long as we finally get aome more actually good ground content at the same time.

Spear-3s for the Typhoon you say?

Mad Thunder was amazing, though I do agree that the only other decent mode in recent history they did was the Battle for Arachis (Dune) one

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I’d like to see CBUs added as a way to add a new interesting weapon system to air that isn’t guided. It would encourage a different playstyle from the current long ranged CAS attacks

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Outrageous take, but yeah I want Stryker, LAV-25 and SEPv3

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