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For the Vampires at least the FB.52, but adding the F.3 and NF.54 wouldn’t hurt
For the Hunter the F.56 and FGA.56

For reference, the T.XX versions are twin-seat trainers and the PR.55 is a photo recon plane

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So, folders for both? Also the Canberra can be either B(I).58 or B(I).66, which one is the best to add?

… and we’re back


The Hunters should be foldered, the Vampires could be foldered, but they do differ a lot more than the Hunters do.
Not sure how much the Canberras differ, the B(I).66 would be easier to add though, as it’s just a refurbished B(I).6. The B(I).58 would be a slightly different (uglier) variant with similar specs but a different cockpit/canopy layout

Off-center canopy warning

Using a pic of a model because I can’t find real photos that highlight the beauty mark lol


This part is often forgotten after Inida became a sub-tree but due to the F-111C, it’s clear the statement it still in play where they’ll add vehicles from all over the commonwealth if the feel the UK can use it/it have request behind it.

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Canadian Leos in UK still makes sense.
UK already has Leo 2’s gun & its whole hull in its TT.
Leo 2s under France makes little sense, wasn’t required.
Arjun has no commonality with the Brits.


I mean, the Canadian Leo boat has pretty much sailed and the Abrams AIM is off the list as well.
The Arjun may have nothing to do with Britain, but it is more fitting than the Indian T-series tanks

The american tech tree only lack F-86 with AIM-9B

F11F-1 early short nose and without radar

but F4D-1 (early) slightly worse event vehicle, and fitted Pratt & Whitney J57-P-2 engine

At present, no F-80B-1

Battle rating same the P-59A ?

Maybe FH-1 Phantom

1 or 2 variants after F-80C-10.

F-94A & F-94B BR around 8.3 ~ 8.7 ?

F7U-1 with J34-WE-32 engines afterburning or non-afterburning ?

I don’t know much about this

The USA in Rank VI already 3 event vehicle, but no the early aircraft premium golden eagle

If F7U-3M outfitted Westinghouse J46-WE-8B engine, max speed at sea level giving a 678 mph (1,091 km/h)

F7U-3 early fitted Allison J35-A-29 engine (none-afterburning)

But F7U-3 (Iate) equipped J46-WE-8 or J46-WE-8A engine with an afterburning capability

I think you forgot about the L7.

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They are very similar. Aged design, 120mm rifled guns, and just being questionable in every aspect lol.

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How so? It’s more German than British.
The reason Bhisma came to UK, coz it was easy implement from T-90A and in turn set the stage for Arjun in higher tier introduction in UK (but it’d require much more work, so hence in future).

Also, what’s the point of getting a T-90S Bhishma but with weaker ammo?

They could’ve used the original export T-90 variant for it:

It was unique and India was the first and is sole user. The weaker ammo ceiling is justified here.

Or else the Ajeya CI. Also unique (T-72M1 brought to T-72AV standard + upgrades)

The weaker ammo ceiling is justified here as well.

The 120mm rifled guns are not same at all.

You cannot put a slow 7.0 jet at 8.7 just because it has awful missiles. Even without Sparrow I the -2/M would only be 7.3, maybe 7.7 at most.
I remember reading somewhere it was one of the aircraft that tested the Sparrow II or Sparrow III, that would make it fine at 8.7, where, don’t forget, it’ll be uptiered to see 9.7.

Arjun literally uses a modified L7 gun

Given how it is the second and last modern MBT which employs 120mm rifled guns, safe to say they are equally questionable. Sure India uses one-piece ammo and ATGM which is likely to be more advanced.

Yes, and wrote 120mm guns above. And its unique to its own or rather indigenous development, not shared with L11 or L30 as often written off. (i.e scaled up L7 to 120mm)
[ what I am saying is, if not Aussie M1, the Canadian Leos should’ve been under UK, except the turret all the other Leo 2 parts are already in the TT ]

There :)



It being “more German” is what makes it more fitting. What the hell does Britain have to do with Soviet designs?

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It’s such a shame, it would be such a good and fun SPAA if it just had at least workable damage.

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gib Cana Leo(s) instead.
(plus the 105mm version of Osorio)

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