Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And it begins :) the tears of ground rb top tier enjoyers

Luchs when it was cool

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tiny grandpa

These particular tears were flowing long before Su-34, and they will continue long after.

Chaparral is useless against everything. Another KH38 slinger is just the icing on the cake.

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Yeah i know.

They are talking about the datamined model.

though the mike guy and the Chinese users in the picture made a mistake. It’s FB-10 missile, not FB-10A, which is 10km range(FB-10A has bigger booster and 17km range) and only used by this early version of FB-10A SPAA.

don’t be so mean, TOR is fine but not that gine, the only one don’t need a new SPAA is USSR, and FB-10 can’t and shouldn’t be top SPAA.

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Anyone having trouble with the server?

many reports about this, but I’m still fine, suffering spading SU-24

You know what’s funny ?

We can legit talk about the Hornet’s again : D lol

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Chinese TT really should’ve gotten the HQ-17, wonder if they ever plan to add it.

props againts cold-war, modern vehicles. Cool but maybe i would like to have different map for older vehicles.

IDK, but I don’t think it’s a suitable choice. In longer range, missile’s speed matters more, while HQ-17 is basiclly a improved TOR with 15km range, it’s thrust should be about 12km, very long, but enemy still have plenty of time for esscaping

My guess. Complete ARB rework (addition of more objectives like SEAD/DEAD, strategic strike, anti ship).


When next devblogs?
Next week or the week after that?

Based on gszabis website in 8 days on average

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I would like to have ww2 era test drives for props back.

just to see these guys running around

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With how much asset sharing seems to take place with Enlisted, I’m surprised we don’t have more AI infantry stuff using their good models.

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its kinda weird to see ww2 prop in test drive map which is with modern stuff.

Anyone have broken skins because of the new Barracuda texture?

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so…devblogs starting next week on the 29th (Nov) with the patch on the 10th or 17th (Dec)?