Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Its basically a Barham with a little more AA. Would play much like Barham or Hood does at the moment.

For F2 standard AMRAAMs B/C, ASRAAM for RAF, IRIS-T for luftstreitfalke and AMI.

I for one am actually quite happy about that. We don’t need constant MBT additions, especially nothing better than current top-tier (not without rebalancing/decompression). It’s nice to see more support vehicles like the IFVs listed, and older vehicles like the M44.

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ASRAAMs and IRIS-Ts won’t come. They’ll get AIM-9M/L/I(-1)s.

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Isn’t ASRAAM / IRIS-T like… crazy good?

Can they carry 9M’s or something lesser? Or do you think they will just limit them to pure AMRAAM’s for the time being?

4-6x Aim-9M/ ASRAAM
4-6x Aim-120B/C5s/Meteor

If it gets A2G then

Brimstone 2s
Storm Shadow

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Fair enough. AIM-9M is enough if the airframe is well made.

They can carry AIM-9Ms and AIM-9LIs indeed, I was just talking about IRL

Cough cough yeah not getting that one

Literally never used Brimstone 1s. But was also Dual-mode. So can still be SAL if the game isnt ready for mmV (Tornado Gr4 should also replace 1s with 2s, but did actually use both)

Until Russia gets another step ahead.

It is, Gaijin just doesn’t want to acknowledge that.


normally I would agree with you, but it’s been a whole year since the last addition, just a little variety with one or two additions won’t hurt top tier (more than it already is)


Didnt someone mention modern tank smokes does contain chaffs to blind mmV seekers? Not sure if it was on the forum however.


Like many things.

Like Yugoslav TT


Soviet’s haven’t been ahead since Mig-23MLD got out-paced by F-4J.
This update will be no different.

Oh, and before anyone mentions “KH-38”: In the vast emptiness of raw data, a KH-38 frag looks identical to every other CAS as all of them out-range all SPAA in the game currently and WE REALLY NEED SPYDER… and equivalent SPAA.