Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

the range we have atm is around 200km which is still the max range of a meteor so eh? the biggest thing is its mach 5

the UK and japan at least also have the JNAAM program

I want to believe but yea, just no AESA is a red flag since that was the whole reason they didn’t add it yet.

I doubt many of these leakers and wishlisters even know the XF-2A exists.

On the other hand, as @maxidaxy_ネコ mentioned, XF-2A would kind of be DoA. I think it could still be added later, especially as an event or premium aircraft.

I am worried with all these Thai F-5s showing up that we’ll get a lackluster update and be told to be happy because “Japan got something!”.


200km number only comes from the thing that caused the program, the pl-15

Yep, statements like that drive me nuts.


I mean again doesnt change atm the US is behind as the AIM260 isnt cleared for service things like the Meteor are

Why does everyone want the MiG-29K? Afaik it only has 32 CMs and is just a slightly better MiG-29SMT.

Why not cope for the MiG-29M instead? Much better plane anyways

2 R-27ETs, 4 R-77s and 2 R-73s is a very nice loadout

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ye we are behind but flight testing started a few years ago, so it isnt as far behind as some ppl think

see what I mean about chat gpt @TheAceOfAces lol

Ssshhh… It will be free kills for the Typhoon and Rafale that will make stock farming really easy

so do you think Typhoon is coming soon? I have begun to doubt and fear we will be seeing F 18s everywhere.

This leak is faker than Gaijins love for minor nations!

I don’t believe this list at all. It’s either Yukari’s or from the discord leak server that is authoritative information.

Honestly… I Just cant see any reason to wait after the F-15E with 229 engines was added. Literally nothing we could get that would hope to go toe to toe with that.

Yes, Britain and Germany could get F-18s (though Britain that is only the F-18A, so not really top tier) but France and Italy would be really screwed.


I mean, Australia does have super hornets right?

yeah idk gaijin has a tendency to leave minor nations until there new jets are are either only on par or worse, I can see the F15E and F15I being better then trenche 1 EFTs

I have no idea.

MiG-29M would be a dream for the game, it would basically a more F-15ish J10 in terms of gameplay. Thing is gaijin probably wants to do naval update, that’s why most say MiG-29K.

That said the original 80s early 90s MiG-29K is basically a navalized 80s MiG-29M with 120cm, and the later one should have additional CM pods SMT style


Afaik it goes significantly farther *then AMRAAM

They do but that’s unlikely to come soon. As we are looking at just getting the legacies.

So if the UK was getting a Hornets with the others it comes down to(and this is the only time we would see this either or for Hornets as the possibility for the CF-188 goes out the window after this(unlike the Aussie with their Supers):

CF-188 IMP I

(If my info on the Aussie upgrades is correct. From the words of other people)

It honestly seems like a very fun off meta plane, just like the M2K.

It would certainly be nothing meta breaking but I would grind it out 100%

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