Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Easy your fan girling is showing

They literally said it lmao and btw I’m laughing myself off here

F-4C only can get chaff dispenser, ALE-40 became a thing only with F-4D

F-4D would be great 11.0 vehicle, 9Js and 7E-2s IMO

Yeah. I can you are giddy by your comments. You are excited.

Ok India is sub tree for domestic design India vehicles.
Mig-29 is Russian in origin.

Ok so explain the T-90 and Mig-21 lmao

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C&P i don’t see your point?

May I point you to all the other sub-trees? Oh, and what are the two things India has already added?

You’ll note that it’s not just “domestic designs” but plenty of “C&P” as well.

Bison isn’t really a copy paste…
Does any other nation get a Fishbed with PD radar, R-27s and R-73s?

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Hahah, good point!

I gotta admit the pole is badass as hell, and it would be even better if it could extend all the way up indeed xD

I just wonder about the crewless part of ICV’s turret, I’ve never seen a pic of it.

And where did say the other sub trees were fine?

At least the SA sub tree has most of its unique vehicles in the TT and not behind a paywall or event.

Gaijin at least made one good subtree before pumping out garbage sub tree one after another

Wheres my MGBT with my Aim 9E’s and ECM/CM pod?

New unused guided bomb


That could be a good objective clearing bomb

They are in game contrast to your claim India has only got home grown things

yeah that’s why i like the RCV, the pole calling me!!

i think there was a render of ICV etc on the japanese part of discussion, probably hard to find since buried in stuff. don’t know if RCV and ICV keyword will show them up either since it was so long ago.

aight gotta sleep.
you guys enjoy your bickering!! xD

Good is subjective.

unique yes, but everything else it was added to be a band-aid for not at all.

Personally, there wasn’t one good sub-tree. After all out of the sub-trees added right now only Finland I haven’t been told it wasn’t wanted/needed, and its issue is C&P.

Suddenly gone quiet ey ? lmao

Cope post below read at the cost of your braincells.


Finland has a list of issues longer than the country itself with my biggest gripe being the poor representation of unique vehicles in TT and not event/prem. Additionally locking one of the more well known tanks from their history behind another nation is just in poor taste. Finalnd sorta added to the lineups below 5.7 but the T54 and T55M weren’t really great. Everyone who thinks 1 dart round is equal to turret armor ammo options and more engine power for the same BR is crazy. Realistically most people see the 2 Leos and think finland is the best nation because hur dur top tier is all that matters. Their air tree is a joke considering it didnt fix any gaps and was created to lock players out of having the first rank 8 jet. You either had to grind the entire fin air TT or buy the XS to get the JA37D. The same plane you had before with more CM and aim9’L’s with a 85k rp sink for getting your skyflash against f16s… yeah finland was a worthless addition so far.

guys wtf this is.
