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Not really, the gripen A couldve been limited to its early 90"s config of just 80 CM and 9L’s. No reason it couldn’t have been added when the f16C came. Besides then when the C came gaijin could’ve added it. Again the Gripen A wouldve been the same BR without HMD as the C if they hadnt added HMD to the A. Again gaijin doesnt actually do any research on swedish vehicles otherwise the A wouldn’t have its in service mods without HMD other than to artificially make the SAAF gripen better. Its just a repeat case of gainin not doing any research and or using basic thi king about how players would react.

For single battles if means if you not completed a stage in that battle you will lose a X amount of chances.

So if you played 10 matches without getting the amount of kills you will lose 10,000 SL and the wager will expire.
It’s only 10 kills in AB and 5 in RB, I don’t think sim counts.

I know how the wager works in general, I meant in sim specifically, since the matches are extremely long

it does say SB x2

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Why F/A-18A (USN) as an new premium pack (pre-order) aircraft at rank 8 after F-20A ?

Or F/A-18C Early in late 80’s avionics, engine & armament same as F/A-18A ?

USN F/A-18C (late production) mid 90’s it’s enough but before integraded AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM, JDAM and without JHMCS

I don’t mind gajin add F/A-18A+ (USN) for USA tech tree if armament and targeting pod newer F/A-18C (USN) in the future but retain General Electric F404-GE-400 engine

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the AA wager for GRB is pretty nice too for SL.

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There is no use in arguing about when these planes could have been added.

The point is, the Gripen A ended up as this fantasy frankenstein variant because of how they introduced the A for Sweden while adding the C to Britain simultaneously. We didn’t have AMRAAMs at that point, so a Gripen A might have seemed more appropriate to Gaijin.

We have AMRAAMs now tho, so there would be no reason to add a Hornet C without them or a Hornet A with fantasy specs. Especially not if both of them get added to the US at the same time, which they most likely would.

Again the f18 A makes sense if its a prem vehicle and at a different BR. The C could then be a TT vehicle if they add them like that.

Again the thing is the gripen A and C are just middle fingers like the rest of the viggens on sweden. Literally 400k + rp sinks so you can have 1 missile be the difference

The F/A-18A would also make sense without being a premium. The A and C could both be in the TT and yes, of course they would have different BRs.

They could again, this is gaijin the master of 180 non sensible turns

Let’s say F/A-18A basic it’s new premium pack (pre-order) for USA tech tree in the future

F/A-18C Early from late 80’s avionics, radar, engine and armament like F/A-18A/B basic ?

Sadly, Now I don’t know gajin add new premium pack (pre-order) aircraft after F-20A at rank VIII for USA in the future

For boosters, 30 minutes in SBEC counts as 1 battle, so assuming wagers work the same, it would be 5 kills every 30 minutes per stage (And that assumes it even works in SBEC)

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You know what would be crazy to see in an update?

A new fricken map rotation for air battles…

So for the 5 kills you need to get 3 in RB ?

I disagree, somewhat. She’d just an as-built Tennessee but with 2 extra inches on her guns. Every flaw that Colorado or Tennessee pre-WW2 would have, South Dakota (1920) would also have. I wasn’t really being serious when I was suggesting South Dakota (1920) for right now, but since it seems Japan will receive all but the last 4 members of the 8-8 Fleet, I think South Dakota (1920) would be perfectly fine if Japan received Tosa or Kii alongside. And whatever Britain can get, G3?

Though to keep it 100, as I always do, I don’t think any members of the 8-8 Fleet aside from Nagato and Mutsu, or any of Americas 16 ships, barring the 3 Colorados, or anything Britain laid down, should be/should’ve been added.
Aside from Germany who can get another Scharnhorst class, no other nation will be able to compete with the big 3 as they have nothing comparable without entering the risky world of fantasy what-ifs.

Although, Lexington was actual garbage as designed so maybe an exception could be made.

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Yes every kill counts as 2

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Sweet, time to play the SAV and the A21 then lol.

One kill with the SAV, a bomb run with the A21 then ether kill a plane or an open top should do it hehe.

oh its very real





sry for the pic spam


i spoke for myself :D

Oh, its the other Class 3 prototype

Bravy, Douglas, Saetta, Bernau, and now the French thing. Which by reckoning means only us and the Japanese don’t have any missile boats at all.

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