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Yeah at the start of the year I was expecting the F/A-18A+ to come in Seek and Destroy and the F-15C for this update going off the last year with the F-16C coming in Son’s of Atilla. But 100% we can see the F/A-18 whichever version by the end of this year

I don’t know about that

they could do a Starfighter and add it waay in the future when it’s no longer top tier

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Was literally talking to about the gripen so my b if i didn’t know you were going back to the f18

I had no Idea because a minute before we were talking about the Hornet and you only mentioned the A and the C

I mentioned that gainin doesn’t adhere to their own pattern and decides what they want. If they want the F18 to carry amraams they can. My only hope is that the A doesnt get added at the same time as the C as when they did that with the gripen A they held back both the A and C models.

Literally all 10.x swedish vehicles are incorrect and miss labled considering they dont even do what they were made for.

How would the Hornet A hold back the Hornet C if they were released at the same time now tho?

so today i noticed that the belgian F16A is the only A model F16 of carrying JDAMS, so i got it and i wanted to test it.

turns out, the plane is bugged since release and doesnt have SPI, meaning CCRP doesnt work

but the fact that i found even more funny is the fact that they literally added JDAMS, which REQUIRE you to have a SPI on ground, to drop those

great addition gaijin, 10/10

Gaijin can decide to not give the C’s their correct armaments or engine like the gripen. Again, the C’s are glorfied A’s and the A is not the A its an amalgamation of something that didnt exist. What the C is, is what the A should be rn. And yet the add ons for the C’s still arent here.

They stated that all AH-64s would have new damage models as well, but ingame only the AH-64A has the new damage model.

They definitely didn’t put much effort into testing this stuff.

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They could, but the Gripen only ended up like that because they made the mistake of giving other nations the C while giving Sweden only an A.

if they would even try to drop a JDAM out of the only F-16A they gave the JDAMS to, they would have noticed that it doesnt work, i dont think anyone even tested those features, and just copy pasted them over from plane to plane

also to mention, both F-16A and AM, for some reason, get stock JDAMS. No other plane even gets those stock, even if both of those F-16’s have modifications calling out that it unlocks JDAMS

i said it on the first day “this update was rushed af”, and for now it only got worse ngl.

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So for the destroy 10 ground units you only need to get 5 in RB.

Will this be the same for the 5 one and you only need 2 kill ?

A+ is still worse than the C. So if we see the A/A+ in december I doubt we would see the better 18C for other nations at the same time.

EDIT: or similar to this update, add the 18A as a squadron vehicle and add the 18C as a tree vehicle at the same time.


Again, thats why i would rather they add the A’s before the C. Smugspite and a few others interpret my gripe eith the gripens addition to me wanting britain to not get a gripen when that wasnt my point. I want the C’s and A’s to be correct.

3 kills i think, tho im not sure.

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Oh that easy as pie then because most kill I have are 3 in ground lol.

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I really don’t see why they would bodge the Hornets like that if they were to release the A and C at the same time. I can kinda see where you are coming from, but the Gripen situation really is a different beast entirely.


I mean, I didn’t want Britain to get a Gripen, but… lets not get into that

I really don’t see them adding the 18C to another tree without the US getting one at the same time or even prior to the other trees. I thought they made that clear

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The only reason why I’m asking because it has the same multiplier as the 10 kills one for RB.


Wait, the 10 unit kill wager works in SIM?

Only ground SIM or Air SIM as well?

What does “single battle” mean in that case?