Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

I rember when the 7.3 strv 81 had a 31k SL repair cost compared to the brotish cent lol. Top tier was 100k+ to play 4 vehicles lol

Low tier, back to WW2 and you can easily get SL.

Other options are Arcade and Naval, both of which bring in lots of SL.

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I think next update we could see strategic bomber with some sort of base rework (big stretch I know but we can always hope).

Then December could be a naval update with the introduction of the F/A-18 and possibly subs.

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@Pheonix_RX01 & @StormRyder13 Cheers guys, I will try them since I really want to get those three Japanese aircraft done before the next update.

I should go back and finish japan, unfortunately France has been the easiest nation to play so far and im just grinding out the 7.7 tonks rn. Pretty decent SL grind for just TT tonks. Besides i dont want to play planes rn lol.

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december will definitely be big

but October is usually a boring one because of the unusually short time to the previous update

I’m expecting, like last year, a few not so important vehicles scattered around all trees and a New Fighter for US and RU

and a new mechanic like when we got bulldozers or some graphical improvement like in Hot tracks

Well I got 22 free repairs on the Russian P-39 so it will help a lot

Fully expecting an early F/A-18 for the US in October and more Hornets for the rest in December lol

It has like a 500% SL booster iirc, its the plane my friend grinds SL with.

Also best squad wagers, russia germany with some friends are ez money wagers imo. Though we have ersatz and KV-220/TV or we just sealclub with KV-1B/E combos

Get any Rank 6 or 7 Premium and play for a week with a premium Account.
You just get soooo much SL with that combo

That’s sort of why I think we could see strategic bombers in next patch though. Like there are lots of people who would go nuts for strategic bombers but the majority of players don’t play bombers let alone research those lines. I can’t really see them being the focus of the December or June updates because of this.

I’m made my bed and I will lay in it

bandicam 2024-09-11 17-21-20-965


Or some Douglas or Bravy goes “nuh uh” because Gaijin can’t figure out something that has guided missiles might just be a bit better

I don’t know next major update in late october or mid december (before christmas)

Another unique GPS/INS Precision-guided munition from british & isreal, and GBU-54 LJDAM & GBU-32 JDAM. My guess

Legacy Hornet early variants ?

Seems like the WT Mobile Dev team understand the Royal Navy is world renowned for a reason

Oh right, forgot we already have SAMs on ships lol

Well yeah, they ain’t just gonna drop Super Hornets on us just yet lol

I don’t think we will get the F/A-18A more likely the C version. If the A was going to come it would have by now especially with Fox 3’s in the game. Unless Gaijin wants to add the A+ then the C sometime next year like how the F-16 and F-15 have been added.

I mean, we should have gotten lots of things by now, but still haven’t.

I don’t see why they would entirely skip the F/A-18A/B. They didn’t skip the JAS39A either after all.

The normal A version can’t carry AMRAAMs only AIM-7s so since Fox 3s were added I don’t think Gaijin will add a new top tier aircraft with only Sparrows. Again if they want to add the A it will most likely be the A+ unless Gaijin just wants to give the A AMRAAMs and call it a day