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Hopefully we see submarines this side of 2024


Probably not. I have a feeling those will stay exclusive to WT mobile



Context: the Chinese localization team for war thunder was always praised for their use of ongoing memes, funny yet still informative translations etc. This may be a teaser.
The transcript on the upper left reads:

Name, role, unit
(Blacked out)
If you want, why not just ask(blacked out)
What was your mission at(blacked out)
The dialogue ends due to accident(blacked out)
Comments: really an accident?

The transcript on the upper right corner reads:
Did we miswrote the numbers? The number(China Unicom) is a fake one

The transcript on the bottom reads:
What is this? IP?
What do you mean there is a power plant here?
WTF is this thing?


So something to do with a factory and an “accident” hum

Thank you so much.
These Google lens translations really don’t help at all

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Abandoned factory rework did appear on an earlier leak list(for seek&destroy post-teaser contents), which could be the case.

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Indeed, name fixes should be one of the easiest fixes, as it should only be one word in maybe at most ~3-4 lines of code.

The incorrect name issue has gotten to the point where I now use a Localization Mod/Language mod.

It would be fantastic to have operational naval helicopters in matches, allowing them to be launched from suitable vessels.


That would be very cool, but it would also require a different naval gameplay environment.
With how naval currently works those helicopters would sadly be utterly useless.

They better not!

I hope so too. Smin did say it was still in the cards, but that it was too big to do together with the split BRs (which is fair enough).

It’s still a bit sad though, while the new IFVs have been nice, that we only had 1 top tier MBT this entire year so far.

I do think top tier ground needed a pause at least a brief one. But this is longer than I expected (at least not without them adding other important additions like better top tier SAMs)

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Pretty sure they have to use new MBTs very sparingly, considering how few of them are left to be added

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Someone dug out the probable source of the Russian texts, being the No.735 excecutive order signed by Putin. Not sure about if this is randomly put in here.
The presumed IP address, if translated to coordinates, points to Cao An park in Shanghai, with the roughly drawn diagrams demonstrating a nearby interchange. This coincides with one of the transcript texts, “what was your mission in(blacked out)”, referencing the famous BF4 cutscene.



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So it’ defo something Russo-Chinese then ?

I think this would point to a Shanghai map perhaps for ground battles. Already from the teaser, there seems to be a lot of references to the game, being a popular meme in recent Chinese gaming communities. The mandarin translation team did also reference it a lot(and wrote the mandarin script for the teaser itself).

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Very possible it’s a new map then : )

Oh I agree that it needed a pause, which is why I’m also happy with some of the IFVs (even though some of them like the Namer 30 and Desert Warrior are not vey good). I just think it’s a weird way to do the pause after rank VIII ground being a bit of a dissapointment and while the 2A7s and Strv 122s are still so powerful.

Oh yeah I 100% agree, I didn’t expect to see much for top tier ground until this time of the year because of that. I had just hoped they would do some more things to adress the big imbalances currently at top tier ground in the last 3 updates.

Now I just hope we will at least get something to close the balance gap in one of these updates.

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WT_CN posted a tweet in the Chinese community



EN:Ladies and gentlemen, we have received a final message left to us by an informant who has spared no effort. The content inside is obscure and difficult to understand, and time is running out. It is up to you to unravel the mystery and uncover the truth of the matter——