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remember we went from F-16 A block 15 to F-16C50 last October

F-16E doesnt really exist, unless they going for the Kuwaiti (I think?, some middle eastern country) F-16s, or they’ve given a really wacky name to the F-16XL

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Yeah, but f-2 for Japan, Poland and Korea, oh, and Bismarck.
For one update this is too wild.

Would be a massive L if Poland got turned into a sub


one of the biggest Ls yes

lol poland subtree for whom? Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, UK cant get it.

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only one vehicle for japan that isnt a boat…

Yeah, thats true

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30°/s (CT) vs 8°/s (CV) is a pretty massive difference, and very noticable too.

No rules remember : P lol

gaijin can rename the UK tree to international tree if they add more subs


Some exciting things on there but definitely fake.

Chinese leaker hasn’t posted anything yet. Would be posted here if it was from them.

It shouldn’t be long actually before we get a leak from them if they have one. Either the rest of this week or sometime next week I’d guess

Imagine thinking that the Stryker will be even close in performance to the Boxer MGS lmao.

The boxer MGS is easily 10.7 material.

And the bismarck would come with the Yamato, Shinano and Musashi.

At a minimum, HMS Warspite being a premium would not only be a “top tier” premium (unless they are getting around that by putting Bismark WAY higher) but it would also be a stupid decision. To lock the first potential new top tier TT BB behind another paywall… That would mean Britian would have 4x 7.0s and only 1 that could be acquired for free. Would be insane.

More likely thats TT.

Bismark would be stupid considering not all nations even have 7.0 BBs yet that can even stand a chance vs Scharnhorst. Bismark would kill naval completely. It wont be added yet.

If there is literally no aircraft or tanks for Britain either that would suck, but leaklists are never complete

AESA and F-2 seem reasonable.

Poland sub-tree. I doubt for any current nation.


I doubt they add the bismarck with the yamato. Yamato is better in every way and definetly a step above bismarck

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Though would not be surprised to see Bismark added without counters like KGV or G3

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Feel Japan.

Yes, Yes indeed.

Germany for cold war, or if the rumours are true (which i really hope its NOT) for Russia.

Since they wanted to add a Ukrainian sub-TT for Russia in march 2022, but then things happend and we got a 2 week devblog gap.

Poland for Russia would be stupid. Sounds like they basically just want to give Russia an F-16 as a stopgap for top tier A2A.


I doubt aswell that the bismarck will be added but the german counterpart to the yamato would be the unfinished h-39. At least that is what I ready some time ago here on this forum

And they were looking for alternatives. Hence Poland might be an option.